Steve and Pauline paid a visit to the House of Lords on Thursday 5th September for discussions around the Rising Tide project and findings. Further meetings with members are in the pipe line so watch this space!
Identifying best practice for empowerment through entrepreneurial freedom: A project for the marginalized in informal settlements in Delhi, India
In 2022 on the 100th year anniversary of the University Women’s Club, London, Mayfair Pauline was made an Honorary member in recognition of her work in International Development. One of only three Honorary bestowments. Pauline was invited to give a Library talk on September 4th around her research for Club members.
Dr Steve Humble, Professor Pauline Dixon, and Professor Eric Hanushek
Pauline and Steve attended the International School Choice and Reform Conference in Madrid, Spain, January 2024. They met up with some old friends, including Professor Eric Hanushek, Stanford University and 2021 winner of the Yidan Prize, the world’s highest education accolade. Pauline and Steve disseminated the ideas and findings of the Rising Tide project, illustrating choice from education, health and neighbourhood perspectives. Others attending the conference included Professor Paul Peterson (Hoover Institute), Dr Ian Kingsbury (Educational Freedom Institute) and Robert Enlow (EdChoice).
Professor Karen Ross has produced a film that comprises a series of personal reflections on the fieldwork from the community advocates and Newcastle University research team who spent time working with communities on the ground. This inspirational film is part of a series of outputs showing our engagement with the communities in Delhi.
Professor Pauline Dixon and Dr Steve Humble presented some of the findings from the project at the McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University, the Atlas Network Arlington Virginia and the CATO Institute Washington DC. This was to students, faculty members as well as Think Tank executives including Matt Warner, President at Atlas Network pictured on the right.
Pauline and Steve met with The Right Honourable Andrew Mitchell, Minister of State for Development and Africa at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) in London, July 10th 2023. Discussions were held around the Rising Tide project and the uniqueness of looking at different settlement types. Andrew was interested in the BMJ article and looked forward to hearing more at future meetings.
Research Supervisor of the Year
Professor Karen Ross visited three of our project’s sites in April 2023 alongside Priyanshi Sharma working in conjunction with the Janya Collective. Karen has made a youtube video of her thoughts as well as interviews with women entrepreneurs, women commuters, and those providing bottom up solutions to safety issues, including SafetyPin.