The Rising Tide Foundation is an organisation with a strong philanthropic mission. It is based in Switzerland, but has a global reach in its activities. There are two entities to the funding, firstly Clinical Cancer Research and secondly Freedom in Practice which explores how to improve lives. The Foundation was created with the belief that those who are most vulnerable to critical issues and who are willing and ready to take on responsibility are the most effective agents of change.
Empower will promote best practice from the communities that stimulate sustainable lives, overcoming barriers to employment and entrepreneurial activity. It aims to show how communities overcome the absence of basic quality service provision by providing services themselves through community and private means as well as developing approaches to enterprise and employment that circumvent the need for formal provision.

“Women’s Empowerment and Life and Employment Skills, Delhi, India” awarded by the British Academy, through the Youth Futures Programme

UKRI: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
AMRflows: antimicrobials and resistance from manufacturing flows to people – Tackling AMR in the Environment, India” UK India NERC programme

Newcastle University
Global Challenges Research Fund, Women in Development and Sustainable Livelihood Network.