Ollie joined Newcastle University as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, starting a PhD in thermal physiology and diabetes at the beginning of 2022. He graduated from the University of Chichester with a BSc in Sport and Exercise Science in 2019. While in Chichester Ollie worked for the Occupational Performance Research Group alongside the Institute of Naval Medicine and British Armed Forces to assess physical employment standards, while also investigating the influence of extreme heat on gut function during exercise. Ollie then completed an MSc in Exercise Physiology from Loughborough University in 2021 and continued investigating extreme environments in his dissertation entitled ‘Induction and decay of LHTH/LHTL mediated adaptations and the optimisation of sea-level endurance performance in athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis’.
With a childhood based around professional football, and simultaneously involving myself in multiple land and water sports, I have had many experiences of undertaking elite sport in challenging environments. Though no longer competing, my research in Exercise Physiology has led to trying to further improve athlete performance within challenging environments, whether heat or altitude.
Ollie’s PhD will focus on increasing our understanding of how thermal strain impacts the cardiovascular and metabolic responses in clinical patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes who typically present with increased vulnerability in hot climates. He will also explore mitigation strategies to alleviate the health risks posed by extreme heat.