New publication: Development of local and regional understanding of heat risk

Recent publication sees Dr Owen Jeffries (thermal physiologist) collaborate with Dr Stephen Blenkinsop (climate scientist) from the School of Engineering to address a recent call in the Journal of Applied Physiology regarding better alignment between the disciplines to answer the wider questions facing us as a result of a changing climate.

In this viewpoint article we discuss the need for wider collaboration to understand heat-health risks nationally, regionally, and at the local level to provide more policy-relevant extreme heat scenarios for the benefit of public health.

This work is part of a small exploratory project funded by the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund.

You can read our full article here:

The full viewpoint correspondence, which makes for really interesting reading, can also be accessed here:

Student projects: The use of wearable sensor technology to determine heat stress during fixed and intermittent exercise

Issy Davis (BS.c student) and Oliver Milard (MS.c. student) completed a project in the lab this year with two aims. Firstly they explored the effect of temperature on steady state and intermittent exercise, quantifying thermoregulatory, physiological and metabolic responses. Secondly they used new wearable technology to explore reliability in reporting body core temperature when compared to gold-standard invasive thermometry.

Oliver is pursuing his interests by looking for future PhD projects and we wish him good luck!