Media: The most effective and cheap ways to cool your body during a heat wave, according to scientists

Dr Owen Jeffries (Newcastle University) and Professor George Havenith (Loughborough University) spoke with a reporter from online news outlet during the extreme heat waves being experienced across America and Europe during the summer 2022.

In the article they explored strategies on how to cool during hot periods of weather implementing simple tasks such as: cooling hands and feet, cold water immersion, spraying clothing with water, eating lighter meals, using electric fans, optimal hydration, and exercising in the heat.

The full article can be found here:

New study: Meta-analysis exploring effects of heat acclimation on VO2max in thermoneutral and hot environments

In our latest study published in Sports Medicine on the 3rd April 2021 led by Dr Mark Waldron (Swansea University), we meta-analysed 28 studies to explore how heat acclimation or acclimatisation can modify maximal oxygen consumption. This is an area of some heated discussion in the literature (see for example the point-counterpoint in J.Physiol here).

To summarise our findings, we found that heat acclimation can enhance VO2max adaptation in thermoneutral or hot environments by at least a small and up to a moderate–large amounts, with larger improvements occurring in the heat.

The article can be found here: 10.1007/s40279-021-01445-6

New study: Sex differences to L-menthol during exercise in a hot environment

Our latest study has been accepted for publication in the journal Physiology & Behaviour on 1st February 2021. The project was led by a student in our laboratory Miss Abbie Parton.

The work expanded on some of our early work first characterising the effect of non-thermal cooling strategies by applying L-menthol (which is perceived as a cooling flavour) mouthrinse and recording beneficial effects in exercise regulation in hot environments (Flood et al. 2017). In this new study we report a sex-specific difference in how females perceive the application of this “non-thermally” cooling L-menthol rinse during exercise in a hot environment. The impact of such findings are crucial for the exploration of ergogenic supplements for use in hot climates particularly when considering the differences between male and female populations.

The article can be found here: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113250

New study: Expert-led consensus statement on the use of Menthol for Tokyo 2021 Olympic games

Dr Owen Jeffries (Newcastle University) along with Dr Martin Barwood (Leeds Trinity University) and Dr Russ Best (Waikato Institute of Technology) led a 14-strong global team of experts in the creation of a consensus statement on the use of menthol in sport. The article was developed following a collaborative meeting at the recent ICEE conference (July 2019) in Amsterdam, in the context of the forthcoming Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games. The article was published in Sports Medicine on 4th July 2020.

The article can be found here (open access): 10.1007/s40279-020-01313-9