Easter Vacation Access

Please check on the table below when the technicians are available over the Easter Break and try your best to work with this in mind– book equipment or order materials beforehand etc. No one is away for more than 4 days and there is always other technicians that can be contacted to help. We also have Callum coming in to cover the basics in Woodwork while Joe is away – Cullum’s email is Callum.McDonnell@newcastle.ac.uk
Any issues then please contact Irene directly – irene.brown@ncl.ac.uk

Updated Information/ 15 Jan 2021
If you require wellbeing support, you can find further information about the university wellbeing services here: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/wellbeing/. In addition, you may make an appointment with our School Student Wellbeing Adviser, Katie Corps, who is offering drop-in surgeries. She can be contacted at: sacswellbeing@ncl.ac.uk. Please remember that there is also pastoral support available through the Senior Tutor (Giles Bailey), your personal tutor and your DPD.
Accessing work in progress, materials and equipment left in studios:
a. Only if you live VERY locally – within two miles of the department you can email stephen.rowarth@newcastle.ac.uk to arrange one brief access to the studio to pick up some of your materials, equipment and work in progress. Access will be on Mondays and Wednesdays 10-11am for the next couple of weeks. If you have a legitimate reason for not being able to come in during these times then you can let Steve know and it may be possible to arrange another time but please be aware that there is no out of hours access (evenings after 5pm or weekends).
b. If you live further afield and need things form your studio – you can email burnie.burns@newcastle.ac.uk to arrange for some things to be posted to you. When you email him please state your Year, Studio Number and the list of things you need.
Obviously, we cannot send everything so please prioritise what you absolutely have to have to continue to work from home for a while. There will be a maximum size and weight if things need to be boxed (see below). Of course, we can look at posting long thin things, or square flat things etc. of different dimension within reason, but please be understanding and sensible about what is practically possible.
Also, depending on how many people need this it may take a few weeks to get to everyone. We are going to prioritise Years 3 & 4 initially but of course we will send as much as we possibly can, as quickly as we can to everyone.

Parcel max Size:
length 61cm
width 46cm
depth 46cm
Max weight 5kg (approximately)
Continuing to access technical support, materials and equipment

- The technicians will continue to provide advice and support via email and zoom.
- You can also continue to request support in the way of materials, tools (limited selection).
- Again, this will be limited to what we can simply post out to you. If you live VERY locally you may be able to arrange to pick things up from a point outside the department (by the cage) but to maintain parity of support for all, the scale, weight and amount etc. will be subject to the same limitations as those for posting. To be clear – if it would not be possible to post it, then we cannot provide it.
So, please be reasonable regarding your requests and expectations and discuss what is actually possible with the appropriate technician:
Woodwork – Joe – joseph.sallis@newcastle.ac.uk
Metal – Steve – stephen.rowarth@newcastle.ac.uk
Casting – Burnie- burnie.burns@newcastle.ac.uk
Printmaking – erika.servin@newcastle.ac.uk & Jade.Sweeting@newcastle.ac.uk
Digital/photo – Michael.Hedley@newcastle.ac.uk
AV equipment that can be posted/couriered out to students on the following terms:

- Loans will be subject to the standard loans policy.
- Students are responsible for taking delivery of items and checking for damage during transport. If any damage has occurred, you need to report this to the team immediately.
- Staff reserve the right to request the return of equipment. In such cases, we will organise courier collection.
- Students must adhere to COVID safety guidelines and requirements.
- Availability
- Courier rules and regulations (certain batteries and most chemical will not be allowed)
Fine Art Shop

- You can also continue to order materials from Ray in the FA shop and to use your materials allowance there and in the workshops – raymondsydenham@hotmail.co.uk
- Please be aware that any unspent allowance cannot be carried over to the next academic year and that we cannot transfer the money to be used to purchase materials from elsewhere.
NB. The technicians are also subject to the limitations of the lock down and may not be able to come into the department every day – some have caring responsibilities for example. Also, any staff coming into the department have to continue to take very careful precautions – maintaining distance, wearing face masks, cleaning surfaces and equipment etc. This may affect how quickly we are able to deal with requests. Also, this is a good cunning plan but we have never tried this before so things may have to be adjusted and altered as we go. We will work hard and do our very best to get you what you need ASAP – so please be patient.
Photographs of Studio space:If you would like a copy of the photographs we took of your studio space then please contact – irene.brown@ncl.ac.uk
In the meantime, if this situation is having a direct impact on your ability to complete specific assessments then I would urge you to also use the PEC system. Just a reminder you can use PEC in two different ways: 1) to seek an adjustment to a specific assessment (such as an extension or adjustment to the mode of assessment) or 2) for discretion to be considered for the specific assessment that has been affected. As a refresher, I recommend you take a look at the information on PEC at the following link: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/student-progress/circumstances/pec/
The latest Library newsletter for arts and humanities is now available online via this link: https://sway.office.com/Y5yNYc07LmM6sKrz?ref=Link

- latest information about access to Library resources and services, including study space booking, click and collect, and click and post
- brand new Academic Skills Kit now online: check it out!
- two new Library guides relating to Covid 19 and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- latest news from our Special Collections and Archives team, including the brand new Virtual Reading Room
- For details click here
COVID MANUAL: stand Dec 2020.

This manual is designed to provide information on the new systems in place for using the Fine Art facilities- studios and workshops during the Covid situation. For the usual information on the design and structure of your course and information on teaching timetables, staff etc. you need to refer to the UG or MFA Handbooks and Module Guides that will be sent to you by the module leaders during induction.
The arrangements outlined below are designed mainly for when ‘blended learning’ (some face-to-face and some on-line) is possible and we are able to come into the department. They are subject to change in relation to the Covid19 situation and government regulations.