The Community Board offers a range of Hybrid resources that can be used by you independently and at any time, as well as often being linked to workshops you can sign up for. You’ll find these resources listed under Forums, LWA, Workshops etc – but collectively they all relate to Creativity + Reslience, offering thinking, tools and strategies on a range of topics to help with skills, knowledge, motivation, planning, time management etc. You’ll use these resources in ways best suited to you, choosing what is relevant to your practice, and the questions and issues involved. This includes finding there are gaps for you in these resources. Where you find that tell us through your tutor or Head of Year so we can add to and develop resources. The Creativity + Resilience section pulls together some of these resources – but use the whole Community Board to really explore what is available. We’ll tell you when new things are added but keep looking at it because it’s a changing resource not a static archive.
22/23 program .
Creative Resilience Coaching
What: Led by artist Catherine Bertola, This 2022-23 SEM1 programme offers a series of two bite size coaching sessions that introduce thinking, tools and strategies to help with motivation, planning and time management. Open to all year groups. Starting 20 Oct 2022 , One hour presentation every other week followed by group discussion to consider issues covered by the workshops.
Where & Booking: Events will be in-person . Book onto the sessions using the eventbrite links. Email Catherine.Bertola@newcastle.ac.uk if you have any further questions. Handouts etc will be sent via email nearer the time.

WORKSHOP1 Understanding
the creative process & Identifying Barriers
Catherine Bertola
Thurs 2o Oct 2022 Seminar rm 13.00-14.00
Book your place HERE
This workshop will help you to develop an understanding the different stages of creativity, so you can locate where you are in the cycle and make sense of what you are doing and how you are feeling. Along with ways to identify and overcome the internal and external barriers you face.

Planning and Managing Time
Catherine Bertola
Thurs 24 Nov 2022 13.00- 14.00
Book your place HERE
It’s difficult to be productive if you have no sense of structure. This session will look at a number of ways to create a structure that works for you, and your circumstances and working rhythm.

This is a practice-based introduction to Blender which gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the software with a focus on modelling and sculpting. No pre-experience required. The workshop will include: navigating the basic user interface; adding and editing an object; using the modifiers and materials tab, camera controls, lighting, rendering and exporting.
Next Workshop: Mon Oct 24th 2022
Tutor: Claire Breach
Morning Session BOOK HERE. OR Afternoon Session BOOK HERE
(10 max: 4 using Mac’s in DMS, 6 using own laptops)

An interactive workshop to serve as an introduction to utilizing the virtual realm in your artistic practices.
This workshop will cover basic 3D modeling skills in Sketchup to create new objects and spaces, rendering these assets using Vray and using the Cloudpano virtual tour software to create 360 degree VR exhibitions from these renders.
Previous experience in Sketchup preferred but not essential.
Delivered by Connor Clements of Dovetail Joints & WetDovetail Virtual Arts.
Date TBC, Media Suite. 5 x max Sign Up on Workshops Notice Board in FA Foyer . AM or PM slot available
Technical Support
Regular Drop-In Sessions and 1-2-1 Technical Support
Mick Hedley, DM Technician
Drop In sessions: Tuesdays, 9am –1pm.
Zoom: 493 179 4613 Passcode: digital
Email: m.a.hedley@newcastle.ac.uk
Program Archive 2021-22
Creative Resilience Coaching
What: The 2021-22 programme offers a series of six bite size coaching sessions that introduce thinking, tools and strategies on a range of topics to help with motivation, planning and time management to build resilience and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Starting 25 Nov 2021 , One hour presentation (10.00 -11.00) every other week followed by group discussion to consider issues covered by the workshops.
Where & Booking: Events will be on Zoom, with a view to making them in person in Semester 2. Book onto the sessions using the Eventbrite links below or via email Catherine.Bertola@newcastle.ac.uk, and Zoom invites, handouts etc will be sent via Eventbrite nearer the time.

the creative process
Catherine Bertola
Thurs 25 Nov 2021 10.00-11.00
Book your place : Click here
A brief introduction to Gestalt’s theory of the creative process. This workshop will help you to develop an understanding the different stages of creativity, so you can locate where you are in the cycle and make sense of what you are doing, how you are feeling and what you need to do to move forward.

Setting achievable goals
Catherine Bertola
Thurs 2 Dec 2021 10.00- 11.00
Book your place : Click here
Having a clear aim is really important in helping to focus. A clear goal doesn’t mean you have to know what things will end up looking like it’s more like a direction of travel. This session will introduce a process used in coaching to identify goals and how to develop a plan on how to get there.

Structuring and Managing Time
Catherine Bertola
Fri 11 Feb 2022 13.00- 14.00
Book your place: Details coming soon
It’s difficult to be productive if you have no sense of structure. This session will look at a number of ways to create a structure that works for you, and your circumstances and working rhythm.

Catherine Bertola
Fri 18 Feb 2022
13.00- 14.00
Book your place: Details coming soon
The number one mistake that ruins productivity is setting your priorities wrong, this workshop will look at tools such as the Eisenhower Matrix and Kanban work flow management system, to help prioritise tasks by identifying and focusing on the most important things.

Catherine Bertola
Fri 25 Feb 2022 13.00- 14.00
Book your place: Details coming soon
As the end of Semester approaches, how you can use planning strategies to be nimble and responsive to stay focussed on what you are trying to achieve.

Identifying Barriers
Catherine Bertola
Fri 4 March 13.00- 14.00
Book your place: Details coming soon
We all get stuck from time to time, not sure how to move forward and sometimes things don’t go to plan and throw us off course. This workshop will draw on coaching practices to offer ways to identify the internal and external barriers, and how you can find ways step round them.
Professional Practice Tools for Exhibition planning

Exhibition planning and visualisation workshop Led by Catherine Bertola and Nick Fox . This workshop is designed to help you think about planning an exhibition, specifically looking at different ways you might visualise an exhibition as part of an individual or group curatorial process, or a proposal for a particular space. This is designed with a view to thinking about Open Studios, Interim and Degree Show development.
Next Workshop: Thurs Nov 18, 2021 10:00 ONLINE Zoom Meeting: https://newcastleuniversity.zoom.us/j/86139894703 Meeting ID: 861 3989 4703 Passcode: 691329

This is a practice-based introduction to Blender which gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the software with a focus on modelling and sculpting. No pre-experience required. The workshop will include: navigating the basic user interface; adding and editing an object; using the modifiers and materials tab, camera controls, lighting, rendering and exporting.
Next Workshop: Wed Nov 10th 2021
Tutor: Claire Breach
Please check details and book the workshop with Erika .(10 max: 4 using Mac’s in DMS, 6 using own laptops)

Sketch Up
This is a practice-based introduction to SketchUp which gives you an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the programme. No pre-experience required. Tasks as part of the workshop will include setting up a document; setting up a basic space/environment; positioning of an object; displaying the object from different angles.
Next workshop: Date Mon 7th Feb . AM or PM slot available
Tutor: Merlyn Bradshaw
Please check details and book the workshop here soon.

An interactive workshop to serve as an introduction to utilizing the virtual realm in your artistic practices.
This workshop will cover basic 3D modeling skills in Sketchup to create new objects and spaces, rendering these assets using Vray and using the Cloudpano virtual tour software to create 360 degree VR exhibitions from these renders.
Previous experience in Sketchup preferred but not essential.
Delivered by Connor Clements of Dovetail Joints & WetDovetail Virtual Arts.
Date Mon 14 Feb 2022, Media Suite. 5 x max Sign Up on Workshops Notice Board in FA Foyer . AM or PM slot available
Technical Support
Regular Drop-In Sessions and 1-2-1 Technical Support
Mick Hedley, DM Technician
Drop In sessions: Tuesdays, 9am –1pm.
Zoom: 493 179 4613 Passcode: digital
Email: m.a.hedley@newcastle.ac.uk
Creativity + ARCHIVE: Program 2020-21
About Practice: Conversations
Conversations and discussions between two practitioners: In these discussions two staff members will speak about general ideas of practice and making, studio vs. non-studio practice, and responses to the pandemic.
Please note, we want to maintain the informal, spontaneous character of the event, therefore the conversations won’t be recorded.

Part 1: Irene Brown and Judith King
Site Specific Practices/ Blue Sky Projects
Mon 8/03/2021 10-11

Part 2: Giles Bailey and Chris Jones
The Process and the Studio (a short studio visit). Tues 16/03/2021 10-11
Resilience Workshops
This programme offers a series of six bite size sessions that introduce thinking, tools and strategies on a range of topics to help with motivation, planning and time management to build resilience and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Each week a short presentation and group discussion, will be followed by individual trouble shooting sessions to consider issues covered by the workshops.
Every Weds, 10.30-11.10 am, followed by six 20 minute trouble shooting sessions, that can be booked on a first come first served basis, click here.

the creative process
Catherine Bertola
Recording: Click here
Briefing notes:
Click here

Setting achievable goals
Catherine Bertola
Recording: Click here
Briefing notes:
Click here

Structuring and Managing Time
Catherine Bertola
Recording: Click here
Briefing notes:
Click here

Catherine Bertola
Recording: Click here
Briefing notes:
Click here

Catherine Bertola
Briefing notes:
Click here

Identifying Barriers
Catherine Bertola
Briefing notes:
Click here
Technical Workshops
These are practice-based introductions to Blender, SetchUp and other Apps that give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the software with a focus on modelling and sculpting. No pre-experience required.
See further information and book sessions, please click here.