You’re invited to our Athena SWAN Roadshows

Come and see our first FMS Athena SWAN application, and discuss it with our EDI Team.

The Faculty is submitting its first application for a faculty-wide Silver Athena SWAN Award, and we want to hear what our staff and students think about it.

Athena SWAN is a national scheme that accredits Universities for their commitment and work towards achieving gender equality. Silver Awards are given to institutions, faculties and departments that can demonstrate that they have tackled relevant issues, and provide evidence of progress.

But don’t fall into the trap of thinking that addressing gender equality is just ‘all about women’, because it’s not. The application also considers gender equality issues from a male perspective, and explores how race can affect the career progression of both male and female staff. The application includes all our students (UG, PGT and PGR) and staff (academic and professional), including those at NU Med. So, whoever you are, you are part of our application, and our future action plan is about where you work or study.

We will be holding a series of four Athena SWAN Roadshows across FMS, and are inviting all our staff or students to come along and find out more about our work around gender equality, and what we have already achieved. We will have hard copies of the different sections of the application from to look at, and members of the EDI Team will be on hand to discuss any questions or ideas you might have. There’ll also be coffee and biscuits, so what would stop you? Come and join the conversation, and book your place now:

We look forward to seeing you there!


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