Reflecting on how the skills learned on the MSc in Conservation and Ecosystem Management have helped our current students in their next stage of life. Not goodbye, but au revoir

Reflecting on how the skills learned on the MSc in Conservation and Ecosystem Management have helped our current students in their next stage of life. Not goodbye, but au revoir
So sad to be saying goodbye to our MSc Conservation and Ecosystem Management students – it has been a year! And also very excited to say hello to our new cohort. I hope they had a good week. Highlights for me was the talks from our current students, particularly Nico’s on Terns, then the zoom call (which I was ridiculously anxious about – but thoroughly enjoyed thanks to the speakers below). And today we went to one of my (many) favourite places in Northumberland, Hauxley – run by the Wildlife Trust – to watch the birds and walk along the beach looking for fossils and crabs!
… and anyway – we’re not saying goodbye, but hasta luego and bis später and until next time
Thanks to our external speakers, Marjorie Davey (Natural England); Nick Sotherton (Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust); Tom Dearnley (Forestry England) and James Common (Natural History Society of Northumberland) for sharing how students can get involved with volunteering or with dissertations. Also NOV from Gateshead who sent through a slide show
Very proud of our (Biodiversity) Conservation and Ecosystem Management alumnus, Natasha Helmsley for organising an excellent Bioblitz for Northumberland Wildlife Trust up on Benshaw Moss last Sunday. I can’t really take credit for her success as I was not DPD then. Natasha also has responsibility with Kielder Wildwood, I believe, replacing her BCEM peer, Steven…And between these two sites is Hareshaw Linn where Tash did her dissertation…And at the other end of the spectrum, Bridie – who got the credit for identifying all the species in the Molinia flush – will be starting with us next week. Really looking forward to it, Bridie and everyone else.
Thanks for the chocs, btw, Tash – I was disproportionately pleased with them, you’ll go far if you give your volunteer helpers such treats!