By Ruth Norris

This month, the PHSI EDI committee has been raising awareness of the committee with a stand at the PHSI Spring Celebration Event.
Thanks to all PHSI colleagues who stopped by on April 18th to say hello, to find out more about what we do and how we can help you, or to play one of our EDI games!

Special mention is given to Nicola, Richard, Annette, Ruth, Abisola, and Fiona for running and to Jill, Paul, and Sue for helping to set up the stand.
We had a great turn out and have collected some useful information to inform our onward planning to help develop the committee moving forward.
We will be reflecting on the responses from staff at this event in our next committee meeting and will use any data gained to inform our workstreams moving forward.
If you missed the event or were unable to provide any suggestions on the day. Don’t worry, we are still collating information using an online ‘suggestions box’ (for link, please see the latest PHSI newsletter), so there is still plenty of time to drop the committee a line.
In particular, we are still keen to hear from colleagues who have an interest in:
- Getting involved with our blogs.
- PGRs who would like to join the committee.
- Colleagues with an interest in inputting into the Disability Working Group.
- Any other suggestions for PHSI EDI focus this coming year.
Just a few things to recap:
The Committee’s Aims:
- Actively promote dignity, respect, inclusivity and equal treatment among staff, students, and other stakeholders.
- Develop strategies to promote EDI in PHSI, by engaging staff and students in the process.
- Promote new policies, procedures and best practice relating to equality and diversity in all aspects of our activities encompassing all protected characteristics.
- Help shape and deliver PHSI EDI culture.
- Respond to changing circumstances in PHSI, the wider faculty, and university.
- Raise the profile and priority of EDI within PHSI.
What we do:
- Bi-monthly EDI updates in the PHSI newsletter – includes links to blogs and upcoming EDI events.
- Blogs (linked to themes in Newcastle University’s Inclusion Calendar).
- Book Club.
- Organise events e.g. online keynote lecture ‘Holocaust Memorial Day & LGBT+ History Month from 2022) – you can still watch the recap online here:
- Period Dignity Project.
- Decolonising Research Project.
- Disability Awareness Group.
- EDI representation on PHSI executive & FMS EDI Committee.
- Embed EDI in PHSI strategic plan.
- Leadership and working group roles for the FMS Equality Project.
- Contribute evidence to the Athena Swan application.
- Returner’s Support Program champion.
How we can help you:
- Support PHSI colleagues with an interest in EDI – especially those who wish to join the committee (including PGRs).
- Promote PHSI colleague’s research by linking this work to Newcastle University’s Inclusion Calendar and EDI themes.
- Develop your suggestions for EDI focuses that you would like to see the Committee focus on moving forward.
- Ran into an EDI issue? Please contact us to see how we can help you.