Life drawing is BACK!!!!

I am looking to recruit a team of students who want to help me organise/set up and run our life drawing sessions in the department again!

I want these sessions to be really relaxed, queer-friendly and body positive. 
The dates we have booked are:

Monday 1st November, 4-7pm
Monday 15th November, 4-7pm
Monday 29th November, 4-7pm

[life Room] 

These sessions will be limited to 15 people and there will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer outside Nigel’s office closer to the time. 
We are waiting to confirm models who are available. If you are interested in getting involved with helping organise these sessions, please get in touch! 

Alternatively, if you can’t wait to get back to doing some live life drawing again, hang tight and keep an eye on your emails and the boards closer to the dates so you can sign up!! 

Contact: Madeline Baugh