
Introduction to Bookmaking Workshop
With Theresa Easton

Thursday 27th February 10-4pm Etching Room 4.01
Using traditional bookmaking techniques this workshop will provide you with the basic skills to stich and cover a book.
8 Places; If you have any access needs, difficulty booking or want to join the waiting list: email theresa.easton@ncl.ac.uk
Book using the QR code.

Zine Making Workshop
With Theresa Easton

Thursday 13th March 10.30-4pm BALTIC Archive & Library
Using the BALTIC Archive & Library Zine collection as a starting point, this workshop gives you a grounding in the history of zine making and the opportunity to make your own zine to add to the BALTIC archive collection.
10 Places; If you have any access needs, difficulty booking or want to join the waiting list: email theresa.easton@ncl.ac.uk
Book using the QR code below

Fine Art & Anatomy with Olivia Turner
Wednesday 7th 12.00-15.00, Friday 9th 11.00-14.00, Wednesday 14th 11.30-15.30, Wednesday 21st 11.30-15.30, Wednesday 29th 10.00-17.00 February Wednesday 13th 9.00-12.30 March
This workshop slowly introduces students to Newcastle University’s Dissection Room and the anatomised body. We will be thinking through creative practice. We will explicitly discuss the dead, dying, ill, and anatomised body. We will be looking at a historic specimen collection of human body parts and also embalmed, prosected body parts of a cadaver. Each session will have a discursive introduction and debrief. In order to take this strand, you must be able to commit to every session.
SESSION ONE | Wednesday 7th Feb – 12-3pm (1-2.30pm in DR room)You will be introduced to the Dissection Room at Newcastle University as a physical, sensorial and conceptual space. We will meet some of the anatomy staff and dissection room technicians. We will have some anatomy educational and teaching models on display in the room.
SESSION TWO | Friday 9th Feb – 11-2pm Site visit to the Great North Museum: Hancock.
SESSION THREE | Wednesday 14th Feb – 11.30am-3.30pm (1-3pm in DR room)The second session will focus on the Dissection Room’s historic anatomical specimen collection.
SESSION FOUR | Wednesday 21st Feb – 11.30am-3.30pm (1-3pm in DR room)This session will focus on cadaveric material (embalmed body parts). Olivia will select this material carefully alongside Dr Emily Green, an anatomy lecturer.
SESSION FIVE | Thursday 29th Feb – 10am-1pm / 2-5pmStudio group crits.
SESSION SIX | Wednesday 13th March – 9am-12.30pm (10-12pm in DR room)The final session will focus on cadaveric material (embalmed body parts). Olivia will select this material carefully alongside Dr Emily Green, an anatomy lecturer. Ahead of the sessions all students will need to sign a code of conduct form to access the Dissection Room. Students are more than welcome to contact Olivia (olivia.turner@newcastle.ac.uk) if they have any questions.
Mobile Maker with Giles Bailey
Thursday 8th February 11.00-16.30 Life Room
Mobiles are kinetic sculptures that are balanced, suspended and moved by the flow of air. They were made famous by sculptor Alexander Calder. The workshop will guide participants through the construction of a basic mobile.

Animated Flip Books using Sound with Alice Highett CANCELLED
Friday 9th February 10.00-13.00 Meet outside the art shop
Through a sensory walk you will do meditative listening and drawing exercises. This will help you to start to think about your environment in a multi-sensory way, including sight, touch and sound. Thinking about the sounds you have heard on our walk, you will make a flip book drawing moving sounds. Flip books supplied. It will involve a walk to Exhibition Park or Civic Centre, depending on weather. Wrap up warm!

Natural Materials: Cordage with Miki Z.
Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February 10.00-13.00 Life Room
Learn the basics of cordage: plant identification, harvesting, fibre processing and techniques to make usable cordage and simple weave patterns.
The session will be split over two consecutive mornings.
Part of the first morning will be spent outside. Students need to be advised to wear warm, appropriate clothes and foot ware for all weathers on a February day. If the weather is adverse the session will still go ahead and will be adjusted accordingly.

Care-filled not Careful with Lady Kitt
Date to be confirmed
In her recent Arts Professional article “Can the arts afford to be caring?” artist Dr Lucy Wright reflects on dichotomy between commissioners’ desire to programme art about care and the “hunger-games” like reality of being a practicing artist. In this workshop Lady Kitt will hold space for discussion about the complex (and joyful!) realities of being a professional artist, whilst introducing “The Craftivist Recipes Archive” a series of creative tools and exercises they used to centre care-filled practices in their work.

Painting & Collage Workshop with Theresa Poulton
Thursday 22nd February 10.00-16.00 Life Room
Introduction to Victor Pasmore’s biomorphic paintings and Jo Hummel’s collage/paintings.
Using magazines and coloured paper students will create a series of small scale abstract collages on card and paper in order to use as reference material for paintings on paper and gesso panels as part of the workshop. Students will focus on reductive abstraction and formalism – line, shape, composition, colour and form.

Turning project ideas into practice with Olivia Turner
Thursday 22nd February 10.00-13.00 Seminar Room
This is a funding workshop to help students to get ideas off the ground and how to formalise it into an application.
Soft Sculptures with Melanie Kyles
Thursday 29th February & Friday 1st March 10.00-16.00
Learn how to make soft sculpture and quilting, with a focus on 3D form utilising the machine embroidery foot. This workshop takes place off-site at Orbis Community, Unit 9 Interchange Centre, West Street, Gateshead NE8 1BH.
How to thread, use a sewing machine and preferably experience using the machine embroidery foot required for this workshop.

Clay sculpture workshop / Form relationship with Liam Aldridge
Thursday 29th February & Friday 1st March 10.00-16.00
Drawing inspiration from Newcastle’s architecture, participants will craft abstract architectural sculptures. After sculpting, surfaces will be enriched with texture and colour using stamps and slips. The workshop serves as a thorough guide to clay sculpting, offering valuable insights into approaching sculpture development.
Introduction to Bookbinding with Theresa Easton
Thursday 7th March 9.30-17.00
An introduction to simple bookmaking using stitched sections and a hardbacked cover.

Introduction to Blender with Claire Breach
Friday 8th March 10.00-13.00 Digital Media Suite or
Friday 8th March 14.00-17.00 Digital Media Suite
This is a half day practice-based introduction to Blender which gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the software with a focus on modelling and sculpting. No pre-experience required. The workshop will include: navigating the basic user interface; adding and editing an object; using the modifiers and materials tab, camera controls, lighting, rendering and exporting.
Gond Inspired Collage with Sofia Barton
Friday 15th March 10.00-16.00 Life Room
Create nature based artwork inspired by the Gond tribe in India using recycled and natural materials.
Letterpress printing with Theresa Easton
Thursday 21st March 10.00-16.00 Print Workshops
An introduction to letterpress printing by hand using a printing press.

Dates: 23rd October, 13th, 20th and 27th November 10.00-16.00 Venue: Life Room
Places available: 15 per session (including 1 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues) Sessions can be booked one week in advance.
Tutored life drawing in two sessions: a morning class (10:30am – 1:00 pm) focusing on gestural ways of working and an afternoon class (1:30 – 4:00pm) focusing on longer and more sustained studies. Please book only ONE session per week. Sessions can only be booked one week in advance.
Mark Bletcher’s practice is concerned with the subjective and imperfect lens of representational art. He regularly teaches drawing with a focus on methodologies designed to expand our view of what our perception is.
Drawing From the Past and the Present with Theresa Poulton
Friday 13th October 10.00-16.30 MEET OUTSIDE THE ARTSHOP
‘Drawing From the Past and the Present’ is an all day creative drawing project informed by the ‘African Lives in Newcastle: City walks’.
We will physically follow in the very footsteps of two or possibly three of the activists, orators and abolitionists who feature in the booklet etc and create a sereis of drawings.

Documenting Artwork with Tara Alisandratos
Friday 13th & Monday 16th October 10.00-17.00
Documenting Artwork will introduce Students to the role and value of documentation for Artists with a presentation of the range of photographic equipment and the technical issues around taking images of your Artwork.
Image editing and postproduction will introduce you to basic Photoshop tools used for editing your images to for high quality Publishing, Blog, website, Final Year Forum or postgraduate applications.
These workshops are in two parts: the first will aid you to take photographs of your work (old work is fine, it’s just to learn the process), the second session discusses the placement of these images and will ensure you are producing quality images for publication.
Introduction to Machine Sewing with Melanie Kyles
Thursday 19th & Friday 20th October & Thursday 7th & Friday 9th December 10.00-16.00
A two-day comprehensive machine sewing workshop, covering all of the essential techniques to support students with the skills and confidence to develop and strengthen their contemporary arts practise through textiles and material manipulation. This workshop will take place:
Orbis Community Unit 9 Interchange Centre, West Street
Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE8 1BH

Introduction to creating sculpture with clay with Paulina Michnowska
Friday 27th October & Friday 24th November 10.00-16.30
These workshops will provide you with the basic techniques used in building with clay. The second workshop will take place 24th November and will introduce glazes, how to make and use them.

Cyanotype Printing with Jo Howell
Thursday 2nd November 10-4.30pm
A simple overview and exploration of image making using cyanotype photography process. Cyanotype photography is a historical analogue process. Light reactive chemistry is applied to different surfaces and sunlight or uv light is used to create an impression of any object on the surface. Low toxicity and much more ecological for the planet as it requires no special disposal.

Cyanotype Printing with Jo Howell
Thursday 16th November 10.00 – 16.30
This popular workshop is a repeat of the one at the beginning of November. Cyanotype photography is a historical analogue process. Light reactive chemistry is applied to different surfaces and sunlight or uv light is used to create an impression of any object on the surface. Low toxicity and much more ecological for the planet as it requires no special disposal.
Zine making with Theresa Easton at BALTIC
Thursday 23rd November 14.00-16.00
DIY self-published pamphlet style books. This short workshop will take place in the Libary at BALTIC on Level 2. We will have access to the BALTIC archive collection, meet the archivist working with the zines and make a number of zines using a range of design formats.

Blender Workshop with Oisin Stanley-Stephenson
Friday 24th November 10.00-17.00
Render Fictions: Create a Photorealistic image using found 3D models in blender. A workshop, both practical and conceptual, teaching students how to use pre-existing 3D models in blender. I will teach how to find and import 3D models and textures, use HDRIs, and render and composite an image in blender to create a photorealistic effect.
Bookmaking with Sajil Kaleem
Friday 8th December 10.00-16.30
A basic introduction to bookmaking from scratch.
Foraging for ART with Sabina Sallis
Thursday 7th & Friday 8th December 10.00-16.00
These workshops focus on tactile and sensual immersion within the season and its weather and attunement to Multispecies Bioavailable Wonder. You will learn basics of foraging with its rules and principles, we will experiment with seasonal wild-crafting and improvised, re-enactment of ancestral practices. As well as looking for what sustenance we can find in the winter landscape, we will forage for materials, observations, ideas, knowledge and experiences to collectively create ceremonial performance space in which we will collectively invoke and celebrate the spirit and energies of the season. A part of this will be making “weather sound devices” as tools for improvisation and collective performance.
The workshop is part of Sabina’s pedagogy centered on World building through Land Practice and Multispecies Thinking and Making.

Semester 2
Introduction to ceramics with Paulina Michnowska
Thursday 2nd February & 9th March 2023 10.00-16.30
Introduction to creating sculpture with clay. The first session will provide you with the basic techniques used in building with clay.
The second session introduces glazes, how to make and use them. You must sign up for both workshops.

Dates: 6 Feb, 13 Feb, 20 Feb, 27 Feb, 6 March, 13 March, 20 March. 10 – 1pm & 1.30-4.30 PM
Facilitator: Mark Bletcher
Venue: Life Room
Places available: 15 per session (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues) Sessions can be booked one week in advance.
Tutored life drawing in two sessions: a morning class (10:00am – 1:00 pm) focusing on gestural ways of working and an evening class (1:30 – 4:30pm) focusing on longer and more sustained studies. Please book only ONE session per week. Sessions can only be booked one week in advance.
Mark Bletcher’s practice is concerned with the subjective and imperfect lens of representational art. He regularly teaches drawing with a focus on methodologies designed to expand our view of what our perception is.

Dates: Thursdays 9 Feb, 16 Feb, 23 Feb, 9 March 2023, 11- 1 PM Facilitator: Alice Highet
Info: 4 day videos making workshop using your mobile phone. Venue: Life Room + Windsor Terrace Basement
Places available: 10 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Subvert fast media (mobile phones) to make slow art. Use meditative exercises in outside spaces, to explore multi-sensory and embodied filmmaking. Through watching films and reading, learn about deep looking and listening. Make artworks using affordable and available apps. Make and exhibit work using just what you have in your pockets, using technology deigned to distract us, to help us pay attention.
4 workshops, running over 4 weeks.
Make, edit and exhibit films on your mobile phone.
Day and time: Thurdays 11 am-1 pm
Where and when: 9th Feb – Life room, 16th feb – Life room and outside venue, 23rd Feb – Windsor Terrace Bassment, 9th March – TBC
Who: Alice Highet, www.alicehighet.com

Papermaking with a mould and deckle with Sarah March
Friday 10th February 2023 10.00-17.00
A one day workshop demonstrating how to make paper from recycled pulp

Vray (Virtual Exhibitions Workshop with Connor Clements of Dovetail Joints & WetDovetail Virtual Arts: Morning Session
Friday 10th February 2023 10.00-13.00
This interactive 2 hour workshop in the Digital Media Suite is designed to serve as an introduction to utilizing the virtual realm in your artistic practice. Previous experience in Sketchup preferred but not essential. This workshop will cover basic 3D modelling skills in Sketchup to create new objects and spaces, rendering these assets using Vray and using the Cloudpano virtual tour software to create 360 degree VR exhibitions from these renders. Following the workshops there will 1 hr for 1-1 tutorials about your Vray project or advice.
Vray (Virtual Exhibitions Workshop with Connor Clements of Dovetail Joints & WetDovetail Virtual Arts: Afternoon Session
Friday 10th February 2023 14.00-17.00
This interactive 2 hour workshop in the Digital Media Suite is designed to serve as an introduction to utilizing the virtual realm in your artistic practice. Previous experience in Sketchup preferred but not essential. This workshop will cover basic 3D modelling skills in Sketchup to create new objects and spaces, rendering these assets using Vray and using the Cloudpano virtual tour software to create 360 degree VR exhibitions from these renders. Following the workshops there will 1 hr for 1-1 tutorials about your Vray project or advice.
Dates: 16th 10-5pm and 17th 9-1.30pm Feb 2023
Facilitator: Lynn Hagan
Info: This workshop aims to provide you with tactics on how to forage through this visual and textual wilderness in a way that will create an artwork as you go as part of a live process. Venue: Windsor Terrace Places available: 20 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Facilitator: Rebecca Lennon
Info: Work with artist Rebecca Lennon to write and record short-form experimental texts that are transformed into sonic video artworks using poly-vocal composition, and rhythmical editing techniques. Venue: Life Room Places available: 20 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Date: Thurs 23 & Fri 24 February, 9.00 – 5pm. Facilitator: Nicola Singh
Venue: Armstrong Building
Places available: 10 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
An introduction to performance making techniques through a range of somatic, breath-work and meditative exercises. These practices can help attune us to our physical bodies, our inner life and to our surroundings and experiences of time.
Expect gentle movement, vocal work, listening exercises and experimental writing and drawing exercises alongside breath-work and meditation.
No previous experience needed.

A workshop like no other! with Cameron Jarvie
Thursday 23rd February 2023 12.30-16.30 OR Friday 24th February 2023 12.30-16.30
Rapid making workshop in which participants work together in
teams to create new exhibitions every 5 minutes. This is a fun, interactive workshop, perfect for collaborative working and generating ideas quickly!
Cameron Jarvie’s practice centres around making sense of how formats,
fictions, and frameworks influence the way we relate to the world and one another. He is particularly interested in making work where no two viewers see the same thing.

Socially Engaged Arts with Helix Arts
Thursday 2nd March 2023 10-4pm
Micro sessions exploring Socially Engaged Arts and Participatory Arts with Helix Arts Director Cheryl Gavin. Working with artists, Helix Arts have a person-centred practice supporting individuals and community groups to identify, shape and build pathways to find and express themselves as artmakers, arts audiences and arts volunteers.

Facilitator: Ben Senior
Venue: Windsor Terrace Max No: 12 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Facilitator: Ben Senior
Venue: Windsor Terrace Max No: 12 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
ABOUT PRACTICE : 1 -DAY WORKSHOP IN HISTORICAL PAINTING TECHNIQUES: VENETIAN PAINTING Date: Thurs 9 March 10.00 – 5pm Facilitator: Ben Senior Venue: Windsor Terrace Max No: 12 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Facilitator: Ben Senior Venue: Windsor Terrace Max No: 12 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Print & Drawing Portfolio making workshop with Theresa Easton
Thursday 9th March 2023 10.00 – 16.00
A hand made portfolio is an ideal way to present a collection of prints and drawings. Using traditional book making techniques this workshop is a great introduction to designing a bespoke folder using print paste techniques.

CANCELLED: Drawing & Cartoon Workshop with Sara Qaed. 10 places available including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Friday 17th March 2023
One day Talk and Workshop:
Talk: Artist Practice, Visualizing News, Illustrating Politics, barriers and Editing process.
Workshop: Drawing and comic exercises. News-DIY: Bring a selection of newspapers on the table, edit the news by cutting and paste, sketching over news and leave the newspapers on metro. Wearable signs: combining wearable pieces, protesting banners and performance using t-shirts or tote bags.

ABOUT PRACTICE: DIGITAL ANIMATION WORKSHOP Date: Thurs 23 & Fri 24 March, 10.00 – 4pm. Facilitator: Petra Szeman
Venue: Media Suite
Places available: 5 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Letterpress and Relief Printing Date: 30th March 2023 10-4pm With Theresa Easton Venue: Print Room 4.01 Places available: 8 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
Taster session using traditional letter press and simple relief printing techniques. Using colour, textures, type and the printing press we’ll be designing a series of poster prints, exploring the rich tradition of text in art, banners and posters.

Facilitator: Christian Mieves
Venue: Customs House Gallery
The ZOOM recoding of the briefing is available here.
Passcode: !P&PFCA1
How to participate?
Send an Expression of Interest to Christian.Mieves@Newcastle.ac.uk and answer 3 questions (max. 100 words in total):
– Why would you like to take part in the project?
– How will the project benefit your work?
– Are you available at the project dates 27 March – 15 April.
Deadline for Expression of Interest: 12 Feb 2023

Please note: Please contact Christian for info. Places available: 6
Zinemaking Workshop with Theresa Easton -note new date!
Thursday 20th April 2-5pm The Library, Level 2, BALTIC Centre for Contmeporary Art Places available: 12 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues).
Zines can be self-published, DIY, pamphlet style magazines made collaboratively or individually. Using the resources in the library at BALTIC this workshop introduces you to some simple techniques.

Thursday 4th May 9.30-5pm Life Room Places available: 10 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues). A brief introduction to various formats of figurative painting and it’s relationship with surface and context; followed by a collaborative painting and installation building exercise.

ABOUT PRACTICE: Fine Art & Anatomy Facilitator: Olivia Turner Date: 25th April, 3rd & 5th May Max No: 12 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
This workshop slowly introduces students to Newcastle University’s Dissection Room and the anatomised body. We will be thinking through creative practice. We will explicitly discuss the dead, dying, ill, and anatomised body. We will be looking at a historic specimen collection of human body parts and also embalmed, prosected body parts of a cadaver.
Each session will have a discursive introduction and debrief.
SESSION ONE | Tuesday 25th Apr 10am – 1pm
You will be introduced to the Dissection Room at Newcastle University as a physical, sensorial and conceptual space. We will meet some of the anatomy staff and dissection room technicians.
SESSION TWO | Wednesday 3rd May 1 – 4.30pm
The second session will focus on the Dissection Room’s historic anatomical specimen collection.
SESSION THREE | Friday 5th May 1 – 4.30pm
The final session will focus on cadaveric material (embalmed body parts). Olivia will select this material carefully alongside an anatomy lecturer.
Ahead of the sessions all students will need to sign a code of conduct form to access the Dissection Room.
Students are more than welcome to contact Olivia (olivia.turner@newcastle.ac.uk) if they have any questions.
ABOUT PRACTICE : Film & Sound Taster Workshop with Alice Highet
Thursday 27th April 2023 Subvert fast media (mobile phones) to make slow art. Use meditative exercises in outside spaces, to explore multi-sensory and embodied filmmaking. Make artworks using affordable and available apps. Make and exhibit work using just what you have in your pockets, using technology deigned to distract us, to help us pay attention. Places: 10 (including 2 reserve places for students with digital accessibility issues)
ABOUT PRACTICE : TEXTILE WORKSHOP Collective Textile Dreamscapes with Mani Kambo
Thursday 11th May 2023 9.30-5pm , Venue: Life Room. INFO: 1 day workshop. Individually, collectively and collaboratively we will work in textile and print with a starting point of dreamscapes, narrative, repetition and meditation. Exploring methods of creation through mark making, shapes and line. Using simple stencil, block and layering techniques to create artworks that we will expanded upon to create a collaborative piece by the end of the session. 12 Places available There will also be follow-up 1-1 tutorials available Friday 12th May. Email: mani.k.kambo@gmail.com

ABOUT PRACTICE SOUND WORKSHOP: Soundwalking and Listening with Tim Shaw:
Friday 12 May 2023 10am – 3pm Venue: Culture Lab Sound Studio.
In this 1 day workshop Tim Shaw will lead a number of exercises to explore sound walking and listening. The workshop will invite students to document their local environments using various sound recording technologies. Through collaborative tasks and scores the group will create a multimedia map made up of creative documentation. The workshop will culminate in an installation formed by collective making and intermedia thinking. This session is suitable for students interested in Sound Art, New Media, Mapping and Walking. Please bring sound recorders and microphones, if you have them. 12 places.
Facilitator: Paul Lewis, Master Stone Carver Venue: Galicia, Spain

For all information about the workshop and how to apply see link below.
Please note: The deadline for the expression of interest is 16 Feb 2023.
Semester 1
Collaborative Shrine Building with Lady Kitt
Friday 7th October 10-4pm
Over the course of the day, students will work together using LGBTQ+ deities, archival and imagined material to create a collaborative shrine.

Kitt is an artist, researcher & drag king who describes their work as “Mess Making as Social Glue, driven by insatiably curiosity about the social functions of stuff that gets called art”. Kitt invites people to join them in creating installations, interactions & events; using collaborative creativity to (gently) dismantle or mischievously re-craft spaces, systems, and structures they find problematic, obsolete or just quite dull.
Documenting Artwork & Image Editing
Documenting Artwork with Tara Steward
Friday 14th October Morning & Afternoon Sessions
Documenting Artwork will introduce Students to the role and value of documentation for Artists with a presentation of the range of photographic equipment and the technical issues around taking images of your Artwork.
Image editing and postproduction will introduce you to basic Photoshop tools used for editing your images to for high quality Publishing, Blog, website, Final Year Forum or postgraduate applications.
These workshops are in two parts: the first will aid you to take photographs of your work (old work is fine, it’s just to learn the process), the second session discusses the placement of these images and will ensure you are producing quality images for publication.
Please sign up to both sessions, where Tara will guide you through all aspects of photographing artwork and you will finish the two sessions with a final piece of photography and the tools to work through these steps again when you need to.
Please get in touch with Tara if you have any specific access needs, including remaining covid safe for those who are vulnerable. Tara.Alisandratos@newcastle.ac.uk
Students are advised to also take the Session on Image editing for Publication taking place on Mon 17 Oct . A must workshop for all graduates and students taking place in the Life Room.
Morning Session 9.45-12.15 Fine Art Life Room
Afternoon Session 1pm-3.30pm
Image Editing for Publication with Tara Steward
Monday 17th October Morning & Afternoon Sessions
The session introduces you to basic Photoshop skills & tools used for editing your images for publication, Blog, website, Final Year Forum or postgraduate applications. This session takes place in the digital media suite.
Students are advised to also take the Session on Photographing Artworks taking place on Friday 14 Oct
Morning Session 9.45-12.15pm Digital Media Suite
Afternoon Session 1pm-3.30pm Digital Media Suite
Painting workshop: Deconstruct and Reconfigure with Theresa Poulton.
Friday 21st October 10-4pm
Poulton’s series of hard-edged ‘Chance’ paintings will be the focus for this practical workshop.
Informed by Poulton’s, ‘deconstructed and reconfigured’ ‘chance’ works, students will use their personal studies to create a series of small paintings on paper and board.
The session will include a practical demonstration of how to use gesso and prepare a panel for painting.
Students will learn how to use gesso and prepare a panel for painting informed by a ‘hard-edge’ technique.

Creative Writing and Mark Making with Wajid Hussain
Thursday 27th October 10-4pm
Wajid Hussain is a spoken word poet and visual artist. He combines narrative and visual elements, including poetry, word streams and abstract illustration.
This workshop will give you the tools to explore creative writing and develop a theme using visual marking.

Sgraffito on ceramic – mark and trace your experience with Dr. Qi Fang Colbert
Tuesday 15th & Wednesday 16th November 4-6pm

Two-day workshop demonstrating how to make basic ceramic structures and sgraffito techniques.
Dr. Qi Fang Colbert is a North-East UK based artist, researcher and illustrator. In 2019 she completed a practice-led PhD research in Fine art at Newcastle University. Before moving to the UK, Qi received a BA Degree in Public Art and a MA Degree in Visual Communication Design from Jiangnan University, China. Her works encompass various mediums including drawing, illustration, animation, and installation. With a strong sense of social and cultural critic, her works explore the conflicts between individuals and society, around the dramatic social changes and cultural dislocations. Her metaphorical visual language bridges Qi’s surreal imaginations and the reality of the fast-moving world, which invites her audience to challenge the conventional definitions of self, memories, identity, and human nature. The artist has exhibited her work internationally and has gained awards. |
Sharing the Black Fantastic with Sheree Mack.
Friday 18th November 10-4pm

Sharing her practice through visual journaling and a BALTIC group exhibition, Hinterland, Mack will explore creative ways and means of engaging with the past to inspire new ways of working and being in the present in order to visualise a future on our own terms. Taking inspiration from artist such as Ellen Gallagher, Chris Ofili, Wangechi Mutu, Nick Cave and others the mixing of artistic genres, diversity in approaches and textures, as well as a connection to nature, Mack will open up the space for true, honest and raw artistic expression, questioning the current state of play.
Mobile-Maker with Giles Bailey
24th November 2022 2-5pm

Mobiles are kinetic sculptures that are balanced, suspended and moved by the flow of air. They were made famous by sculptor Alexander Calder. The workshop will guide participants through the construction of a basic mobile.
Giles Bailey works with performance, often using texts, video fragments and choreographies composed as live collages of material. At the heart of this is an interest in how knowledge and meaning are generated through relationships with others. His work is often collaborative and influenced by creative approaches to working together from experimental theatre, contemporary dance and music.
Cyanotype Printing with Jo Howell
25th November 2022 10-4pm

Cyanotype photography is a historical analogue process. Light reactive chemistry is applied to different surfaces and sunlight or uv light is used to create an impression of any object on the surface. Low toxicity and much more ecological for the planet as it requires no special disposal. |
Working with displaced communities training with West End Refugee Service
8th December 2022 2-4pm Fine Art Lecture Theatre
The aim of the training is to build knowledge and skills which will help you to work with and support displaced communities living in the NE, onsite at the Hatton Gallery Learning Space with the Building Bridges group, a group of Sanctuary Seeking adults.
Training will help you:
Understand the most common terminology, i.e. the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker
Understand the basics of legal, welfare and housing rights for refugees and asylum-seeking communities
Understand the most up to date and appropriate language when referring to refugee and asylum-seeking communities, as well as sensitivities around language when talking with a refugee or a person seeking asylum
Broad understanding of recent history of newly arrived communities in the Northeast
More knowledge re. available support for refugees and asylum-seeking communities
More knowledge re. challenging discrimination
Understanding boundaries when working with refugees and asylum-seeking communities
Watercolour Workshop with Qiriu Tan

This practice-workshop will introduce you to key techniques using watercolor. Each session will start with a demonstration of a technique and allow you to test and experiment with the medium. In each session we will have the opportunity to discuss work in a group. Please bring your own material (brushes, watercolors and paper) to the first session. Any additional material necessary will be discussed in the first session.
How to sign up:
If you are interested, please sign up on the sheet on the noticeboard opposite the office. The workshop is limited to 10 students (plus 2 reserve places) on a first come, first served basis. Please make sure you can attend all 5 sessions. If you have any questions, please contact Qirui Tan (q.tan3@newcastle.ac.uk) for more information.
Dates: the workshops takes place on the following days, 2-5 PM
Fri 14 Oct, Weds 19 Oct, Weds 2 Nov, Weds 16 Nov, Weds 23 Nov 2022.
Where: 14-15 Windsor Terrace (behind the Robinson Library). See link of the Campus map (no. 41).