Fine Art Postcard auction

The day is finally upon us, the annual NCL Fine Art Postcard auction ! 
First, thank you so much to everyone who donated art works and contributed to the amazing collection of work up for auction this evening! All work is now on display in the long and xl gallery, with the live auction work in the atrium. 
We can’t wait to see you all later on! As planned, the silent auction will take place at 5- this is an opportunity to bid for your favourite postcards in the long gallery and XL. 
At 6, everyone will be invited to go to the Lindisfarne room to attend our infamous live auction. Don’t forget to purchase your paddles in the department if you wish to bid! 
LASTLY, if you wish to join us for the after party at the lubberfiend please buy tickets in advance using the link below:

It should be, as always, a spectacular night! If you have any requirements or questions please contact me
Thank you ! 
Postcard auction team 

Domestic ritual workshop in Whitely Bay

Hi everyone, 
This weekend I am running two more performance workshops in Whitely Bay with ArtHouses Home Actions. We will look at links between performance-making and domestic rituals. Starting with everyday objects and table-tops, the workshop will guide participants though the process of writing their own performance score (a term borrowed from music to refer to a predetermined series of actions conceived by an artist and meant to be reinterpreted). Together we will find new ways to activate the home with our own significant yet small-scale actions.
To find out more and join in with the workshops on either Friday 2nd December 6 -9pm, or Saturday 3rd December 2 -5pm, please go to:
Best wishes,

Open Studios 2022

Hello everyone in our amazing Fine Art Community 

Its almost that time of year again ….

OPEN STUDIOS takes place on Tuesday 13 December 2022 (6-8pm) in the Fine Art studios!

If you have not been involved in OPEN STUDIOS before this is when we tidy up ALL of the studioand you present work in progress in your studio space.  Everyone is involved.  Open Studios coincides with the BA Year 4 Interim shows that take place in the bookable spaces – so lots of exciting stuff happening everywhere in the main building.  This year, In addition to the BA studios & MFA PhD’s will also open up studios in Windsor terrace so this is a great opportunity for our whole Fine Art community to come together, to share what’s going on in ALL  the Fine Art Studios & locations  (King Edward &  Windsor terrace), and celebrate some of the incredible work taking place in our department. 

We then have a wonderful night of going around the department, looking at everyone’s work and talking to one another.  You can even invite people from outside of the department to come in and join us if you want to. There will be a bar, and as Open Studios this year is the last Tuesday before Christmas break we can also combine the evening with a bit of a Winter celebration. So..hang up some twinkly lights in the FA café and bring a bit of tinsel too! (Contact 4th years if you  can help with the bar).

Open studios is a social event – not an assessment event – it is entirely up to you what you present in your space. This might include sketchbooks, documentation, work in progress or completed pieces .  As we have BA assessments taking place in the 1st week back after Christmas break  it will also mean we have lovely tidy spaces to return to ready to present work for assessment. 

Health & Safety and Security: You need to have your space ready by 3.30pm on Tues 13th for a Health and Safety walk around by Joe – so think carefully about any equipment you may need and any health & safety checks and risk assessments you may need to organise. If you are not sure then speak to your tutor or module leader.  Be especially careful of running electric cables across walkways and blocking fire corridors and exits. 

You are responsible individually for your own work, so you need to consider ethics, & check any electrical equipment you are using and – very importantly – turn it off at the end of the event. You may want to discuss Open Studios (health & safety, signage, security etc) with other members of your studio and work collaboratively. If you want a refresher on the practicalities of exhibiting artwork you can sign up for a Workshop with Joe on installing artwork/drilling holes, using ladders etc. (see sign-up” noticeboard in the foyer)


If you have any questions, please contact

Student Experience

Hi everyone,

Your opinion needed – win a £25 eldon square voucher!

Have you got 2 minutes to complete a survey to give us your views on your school office/reception?

Why? A lot has changed in the last few years and rather than just go back to the way it was before, we want to try to better understand your needs and adapt to meet them.

Complete this super quick survey (average completion time is 1 minute 47 seconds) and be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 Eldon Square Voucher (in time for some Christmas shopping!);

Survey closes on Friday 2nd December, prize awarded the following week.

Helen Elliott 

Student Experience Manager


Climate Crisis and Climate Conscious Creating

Please join us to think about how we as individuals, artists and a community can respond to the climate crisis through our artwork and actions

Click here for link to a podcast we will be spend part of the session discussing

Climate Crisis and Climate Conscious Creating


Second meeting: 10.30 on Wednesday 23rd November, Venue: 3.27 (between Ray’s shop and the seminar room)

If you can please RSVP to

Vegan snacks will be available

Photography Forum/ Photographic Print

Photography forum is back and this week we have a workshop on Photographic Print,Thursday 17th Nov 10am-1pm
A session to learn about digital print in photography, to think about taking images into print and how they change depending on the materials used. 

Woflgang Weileder will share his knowledge of large-scale printing and how to prepare images for print in photoshop. We’ll be using the large printer in the department printing on photo-rag paper, a fine art  paper which has a similar feel to heavy paper used in printmaking. You can see examples of Wolfgang’s  photographic work here.
There will also be a chance to think about  LARGE PRINTING! and find out how to prepare images for printing at scale. We will bring along some images from the previous workshops with Phyllis Christopher and Akinbode Akinbiye to work with,  but please bring your own images along too! After making prints we will take time to look at each others work, think about working with images in sequence, editing and preparing work for exhibition. 
 We have a small budget available for initial prints and then students can print more images at a discounted rate from their fine art materials allowance, to give an example the cost would be around £5 for a 10″ x 8″ print. 
Spaces are limited so please contact Michele or Kasia to book a place. 
Look forward to seeing you!
all the bestMichele and Kasia. 

Writing Practice Forum

Writing Practice Forum+ Optional Workshop
Thursday 17 November (combined)

Writing Practice Forum 10am Thursday 17 November, Fine Art meeting room (behind Nigel’s office)

This forum offers a place to informally discuss how writing is situated within art practice. This week’s meeting will be an opportunity to share any material or ideas you are developing that involve writing or text in your studio work. 

‘Writing’ is considered in an expansive sense: poetry, art writing, script, fiction – but also notions of text, creative/responsive readings, writing as curation, book arts and so on – as we aim to put some pressure on the relation between verbal and non-verbal mediums.  

Optional Writing Workshop
11am, Fine Art meeting room

Renee Gladman: Prose architecture 252 (2017)

In this session we’ll be thinking about what ‘translation’ can mean for poetry. This will involve considering translation in an expanded sense, by looking at ‘bad’ or ‘unfaithful’ practices like homophonic translation and games with Google Translate. We’ll also be wondering whether interactions between word and image also constitute a version of ‘translation’. (Note: no bilingual skills necessary!)

Places for workshop limited – email to reserve.

You are encouraged to come to both sessions; if you can only make one that’s fine, just let me know.