Day: 19 November 2024
Painting Forum with Mali Morris

Next Painting Forum:
With Mali Morris
2-3 PM, Long Gallery
Open to everyone! Any questions, please contact Christian.Mieves@newcastle.ac.uk
Please see the reading (please read before next week) for the meeting with Mali Morris here
Painting + Forum is a place for regular studio discussions about painting, an exchange of ideas and texts dealing with the everyday task of painting. It started in autumn 2019 with a series of informal discussions on painting with Newcastle University Fine Art students from all years (Undergraduate and Postgraduate).
This year we will have a series of conversations with painters, practical painting workshops and reading group meetings, discussing texts dealing with the idea of painting.
Next Animation Forum/ 21 Nov

Upcoming is another Animation Forum workshoppe/advice session! For those of you who wrote down “AfterEffects” on the “what kind of workshops do you want?” posters, this is your chance.
‘Animation’ as a word may sound very specific, but we take it in the broadest sense possible, including all sorts of video and experimental moving image. Not sure if you fit? Come along and I’ll tell you how your work is actually animation.
21 Nov (THURSDAY) 10am – 1pm in the Media Suite (upstairs near printmaking)
Want to learn some new skills? Troubleshoot an ongoing project? Figure out how to make your moving image dreams come true? Want to make a game/VN? Interested in video but don’t know where to start?
Next up on the Animation Forum agenda is a loosely structured workshop/coworking session in the Media Suite, where you can come to learn new skills and/or develop existing work and receive feedback + help. There’s also drawing tablets to use. Bring your own tablet/laptop if applicable!
Come scan in IRL work to digitize it and try and make it move; come edit videos; come to learn about and experiment with AfterEffects; come draw some animation; come to talk and think about anime/games you enjoy and moving image at large; anything is possible.
Everyone is welcome, no experience needed. Bring your ideas and your enthusiasm.
Please sign up on the noticeboard bc space is limited, but you can come along anyway, and we shall try and make it work. The sign-up sheet is already up.
If you’re curious about what the Animation Forum is all about generally, you can read stuff on the blog (link in my email signature below).
All the best,
Postcard Auction After Party
Exhibition: Visual Transcriptions

Sergio Ricaño Gutiérrez is Director of the National Art School in Mexico City (Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado “La Esmeralda”). He holds a degree in Visual Arts from the National School of Plastic Arts at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in Mexico and abroad. His work belongs to national and international collections, such as the Museo José Guadalupe Posada; the Museo Nacional de la Estampa; the special collections of Ibero-American art of the universities of Stanford and Berkeley; the Museo Iconográfico de Guanajuato; the Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez, Oaxaca; the Facultad de Bellas Artes de San Carlos, in Valencia, Spain, and the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, among others. In 2012 he received the Takeda Biennial Prize, Oaxaca, and an Honourable Mention at the Zalce Biennial in Morelia, Michoacán, whose acquisition prize he won in 2014. Since 2008 he founded and directs TACO, Talleres de Arte Contemporáneo, a space for education, dissemination, exhibition and production for the visual arts.