Welcome to the Fine Art Community Board!

This Online information board provided regular community and covid updates for the Department as well as information on taking part in elective activities like cross-year teaching, Practice Forums and workshops as well as Student Voice information.

The Fine Art COMMUNITY BOARD has been developed as an online tool and information HUB in response to the social challenges posed covid . It contains general department information of the kind that you would have usually seen on the noticeboards located in the Fine Art Foyer. It is also where an updated version of the COVID Manual will be kept.The community Board is maintained by staff but we welcome contributions from students and staff alike- contact Nick Fox if you would like anything added to the board.

There is also the FINE ART NOTICE BOARD that is maintained by students (currently Lucy Heaton and Ella Burgess) where you can post opportunities, information on events you are organising or calls for collaborators etc.  Click Noticeboard in the home page to take you straight there.

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