By adding your name to the OUT OF HOURS ACCESS list you are confirming that you have read and understood the guidelines below and agree to abide by them.

  • Students working late (or on weekends) must have their smartcards (and any relevant l licence) on them to enable University Security personnel to establish that they are authorised to be in the building. 
  • You will only access the department on the days and times allocated to your Year group or if you have special permission (supported by a licence) for extra hours access.
  • Students must be registered on the Safezone app – www.safezoneapp.com – to contact security staff in an emergency and give their location.
  • On weekdays, if you have late night access for your year group you must leave the building by 9pm and will not be able to re-enter the building through the secure doors till the following allocated access time for your Year group.
  • On weekend days undergraduate students without late night access must leave the building by 6.00pm and will not be able to re-enter the building through the secure doors till the following allocated access time for their Year group.
  • Students must not interfere with the doors operated by the swipe card system in any way: e.g., forcing the doors open, wedging the doors open, attempt to use the emergency override.  You must not provide admission for students in Year groups that are not timetabled to have late night or weekend access.
  • Before working late, students must inform a friend or family member that they are working late and what time they will be leaving. When leaving the building, students must inform those people that they are leaving.
  • If the fire alarms sound, all people must leave the building and assemble outside Northern Stage.
  • It is very important that students follow the usual studio rules i.e., do not use aerosols inside, no hot plates, no naked flames, no power tools and all electrical equipment must be PAT tested before use, working at heights only after permission from a technician and no alcohol consumption.
  • In the case of emergency students must contact security.  Use the Safezone app (see above) or phone 0191 208 6817 or emergency services- 999. If students encounter anyone who they suspect should not be in the building; do not confront them; contact security.

The above rules have to be observed in addition to the standard health and safety regulations which apply at all times.  

Regular ‘spot checks’, will take place and anyone failing to observe the rules for out of hours access will be regarded as a breach of health and safety policy and may well result in the privilege of late and weekend working being withdrawn and/or disciplinary action.

Download Info Sheet


Art and Ecology

Dear colleagues,

I am excited to present the programme for the newly established research seminars in art history in Fine Art, taking place fortnightly on Wednesdays at 17.15, with refreshments available after each event, from 18.30.  

This new seminar series offers a platform for engagement with research in history of art at a time when the discipline is undergoing change in response to issues of urgent significance, including intergenerational justice, colonial legacies, and environmental breakdown.  

‘Art and Ecology’ is the topic for the inaugural series of seminars. This is a great opportunity to hear leading international and UK-based scholars present on subjects as diverse as the colours of the Anthropocene and art made by bowerbirds. The full schedule is attached below; further information for each talk will be circulated a week in advance.  

Most of the seminars are in-person events. Please note, however, that two of the events will use a hybrid format, as a virtual presentation presented the most sustainable option due to the distance of the speakers’ travel.  

All are welcome!  


Convenor: Dr Olga Smith olga.smith@ncl.ac.uk

Interim Week 1-2

Wednesday 13 December from 17:30 (after open studios).Please join us for a drink to launch our exhibitions across the department in the Project Space, Life Room, Long Gallery, TIC Space, XL Gallery and Atrium.
We’d love it if you’d come and see our work.

Caitlin Kelly, Gaynor Voice, Alasdair Cook, India Arkin, Isabelle Emmerton, Thulsi Mathes Hewage, Annice Weatherley, Samuel Shams, Rachel Herriott, Francesca Arlett, Beatrice Barker, Emily Davis, Octavia Hands, Ella du Gay, Manako Maddison, Amber-Rose Isherwood, Melanie Colbey, Saskia Mcwilliam-Bagley, Cerys Organ,Katherine Hunter, Phoebe Scott, Eliana McHugh, Keira Wilson, Darnesh Dadgostar, Joseph Brady, Lucy Turner, Madeline Lewis, Ksenija Cvetkova, Megan Nolan, Molly Mae Davisson, William Wistow, Ella Rhodes, Kub Bradley, Meriel Morris-McHarry, and Shula Rush Glew

Winter Break Opening Times:

Student access to the Fine Art, King Edward VII Building, during the Winter holidays:

Fri 15 Dec: Out of hours will operate up to and including Friday.

Mon 18 Dec –  Fri 22 Dec:  8AM – 6PM the building will be open during normal hours. 

22 Dec –  3 Jan: University is closed and buildings will not be accessible to UG/PGT students.  Staff/PGRs will have access if essential but heating will be turned down and bins not being emptied etc.

3 Jan to 5 Jan 2024: the building will be open during normal hours (8-6).

Sat 6 and Sun 7 Jan 2024: buildings will be closed to UG/PGT students.

Out of Hours will resume on Monday 8 January.


OPEN STUDIOS  is happening on Wed 13 Dec 

3:00- 5:30 pm 14-16 Windsor Terrace – Studio Tour with MFA & PhD’s 

4.00 – 5.30pm KEVII Fine Art Studios – BA 1-3 Year 

Followed by ….5.30 – 8.00pm  Interim PV/ FESTIVE PARTY for ALL Fine Art students in KEVII Café 

If you have not been involved in OPEN STUDIOS before this is when we tidy up ALL of the studios and you present work in progress in your studio space.  We then have a fun afternoon where everyone gets involved with looking around the different studios in Windsor terrace and then KEVII – seeing everyone else’s work , chatting and having  conversations with each other in the studio.  .

Open studios is a social event – not an assessment event – it is entirely up to you what you present in your space. This might include sketchbooks, documentation, work in progress or completed pieces .  For BA students it will also mean we have lovely tidy spaces ready for the Jan asessment!

This year will be a bit different. We will be kicking things Off at  3pm with studio tour/refreshments at Windsor Terrace, followed by a staggered 4pm start in KEVII to give all the BA’s a chance to get to immersed in the MFA and PhD studios . 

Open studios is an opportunity to come together socially  and see what is going on is all the Fine Art Studios & locations (King Edward &  Windsor terrace) Its also a chance to get to know each others practice, share expertise, create opportunities and make connections. New this year – We will give out post-it notes at Open Studios and encourage all student and staff to use them at the event to make introductions, give feedback about work, share an encouraging opinion or helpful suggestion. Post- Its available from Nigel! 

OS is taking place in the regular teaching day so it will be a “dry” event and there won’t be a bar.  But… Final Year Interim Preview and the FINE ART FESTIVE PARTY for all students kicks off directly after Open Studios 5.30 -8.00pm. All WELCOME !

Health & Safety and Security: You must have your space ready by 12am on Wed 13th Dec for a Health and Safety walk around by Joe – so think carefully about any equipment you may need and any health & safety checks and risk assessments you may need to organise. If you are not sure then speak to your tutor or module leader.  Be especially careful of running electric cables across walkways and blocking fire corridors and exits. 

You are responsible individually for your own work, so you need to consider ethics, & check any electrical equipment you are using and – very importantly – turn it off at the end of the event. You may want to discuss Open Studios (health & safety, signage, security etc) with other members of your studio and work collaboratively. 


If you have any questions, please contact: nick.fox@ncl.ac.uk

Thanks to Adam Castle for inspiring the poster design, Please share !


Sustainability in Fine Art

Hi Everyone, 

I am the Sustainability Representative for the Art Department. Since the last SSC Meeting, I have met up with the Head of the Department Christian Mieves to discuss the creation of a swap space for materials, and he is currently looking for a suitable place for this within the department building. 

Please message send an email to me if you have any other sustainability issues you would like me to raise.  

Many thanks,

Beth Willoughby 


Breakfast Club!

 Every Tuesday 9.30 -10.00 am 

Fine Art Café

Free coffee & biscuits 

BA, MFA, PHD Students & staff all welcome – We hope to see you there

What is Breakfast Club? 

Hosted by the Head of Fine and Deputy Head (Christian & Nick), Breakfast Club is an informal space for conversation, and community. You can pop in for a coffee and chat about anything that comes to mind.  We can listen, answer questions you might have and resolve concerns or just chat about whatever is the hot topic that week. Let us know your ideas ! Breakfast Club continues every teaching week on Tuesdays 9.30-10.00 am in the FA Café 

Everyone welcome. 🙂 

Best wishes,

Fine Art  

Greenfinger Forum is back

Hello All – The GFF is Back!

Have you always wanted to learn how to grow your own food? Know how but have nowhere to garden? Are you 

interested in organic gardening, green issues or working with natural materials in your practice? Are you interested in alternative approaches to creating opportunities for discussion and collaboration ? – Then come and work with the Green Finger Forum at 14-15 Windsor Terrace!

The GFF is a student run forum based on creating opportunities for creative social events through gardening, cooking, eating, foraging and making. We will hold approximately 2-3 events per semester. This often takes the form of a little light gardening (depending on the season) and making and eat a vegan/vegetarian lunch together. This year we are also intending to run workshops in other plant related subjects such as pickling and preserving , natural dyes and using natural materials in making artworks .

This year we are trying out an international recipe theme – so if you have a dish that you would like to take the lead in showing others how to prepare and cook then please get in touch by responding to the emails we will send out. We are also looking for ideas from you for other workshops and projects we can run or help facilitate.

In 2022 the GGF cleared the overgrown gardens at the back of 14-15 Windsor Terrace near the Robinson Library. We also built compost bins, raised beds, and a small greenhouse, and planted a herb bed and a vegetable garden. Everything has bloomed over the last two years and we have been eating salads, micro-greens, courgettes, potatoes and beans for sunny lunchtime snacks over the summer. There are still lots of lovely veggies left to harvest and eat or to pickle, preserve or perhaps use for dying or making inks etc.

We would love to have you come join us .  You do not need to have any experience in gardening or to have been involved last year – just bring an open mind and generous approach to working with others. If you are intending to help in the garden please wear clothes and footwear that you do not mind getting a bit dirty. If we have bad weather we will have indoor activities.

Our first meeting of the new academic year 23-24 on Monday 13th November (see poster attached)and will be a whole day event with pierogi making, talks and workshops. You can pop in when you feel like but it would be great to have some collaboration in making the food in the morning for lunch around 1pm. The food w e prepare is vegan and we also try to have gluten free alternatives when possible. Contributions welcome.

Any questions please contact Irene – irene.brown@ncl.ac.