Photography Forum/ Photographic Print

Photography forum is back and this week we have a workshop on Photographic Print,Thursday 17th Nov 10am-1pm
A session to learn about digital print in photography, to think about taking images into print and how they change depending on the materials used. 

Woflgang Weileder will share his knowledge of large-scale printing and how to prepare images for print in photoshop. We’ll be using the large printer in the department printing on photo-rag paper, a fine art  paper which has a similar feel to heavy paper used in printmaking. You can see examples of Wolfgang’s  photographic work here.
There will also be a chance to think about  LARGE PRINTING! and find out how to prepare images for printing at scale. We will bring along some images from the previous workshops with Phyllis Christopher and Akinbode Akinbiye to work with,  but please bring your own images along too! After making prints we will take time to look at each others work, think about working with images in sequence, editing and preparing work for exhibition. 
 We have a small budget available for initial prints and then students can print more images at a discounted rate from their fine art materials allowance, to give an example the cost would be around £5 for a 10″ x 8″ print. 
Spaces are limited so please contact Michele or Kasia to book a place. 
Look forward to seeing you!
all the bestMichele and Kasia. 

Writing Practice Forum

Writing Practice Forum+ Optional Workshop
Thursday 17 November (combined)

Writing Practice Forum 10am Thursday 17 November, Fine Art meeting room (behind Nigel’s office)

This forum offers a place to informally discuss how writing is situated within art practice. This week’s meeting will be an opportunity to share any material or ideas you are developing that involve writing or text in your studio work. 

‘Writing’ is considered in an expansive sense: poetry, art writing, script, fiction – but also notions of text, creative/responsive readings, writing as curation, book arts and so on – as we aim to put some pressure on the relation between verbal and non-verbal mediums.  

Optional Writing Workshop
11am, Fine Art meeting room

Renee Gladman: Prose architecture 252 (2017)

In this session we’ll be thinking about what ‘translation’ can mean for poetry. This will involve considering translation in an expanded sense, by looking at ‘bad’ or ‘unfaithful’ practices like homophonic translation and games with Google Translate. We’ll also be wondering whether interactions between word and image also constitute a version of ‘translation’. (Note: no bilingual skills necessary!)

Places for workshop limited – email to reserve.

You are encouraged to come to both sessions; if you can only make one that’s fine, just let me know.  

Climate Crisis and Climate Conscious Creating

Please join us to think about how we as individuals, artists and a community can respond to the climate crisis through our artwork and actions

Click here for link to a podcast we will be spend part of the session discussing

Climate Crisis and Climate Conscious Creating


Second meeting: 10.00 on Wednesday 2nd November, Venue: 3.27 (between Ray’s shop and the seminar room)

If you can please RSVP to

Vegan snacks will be available

Sewing Forum

First Meeting

Hello All, 

There has been loads of interest in the sewing bee which is great! So I am setting up an initial meeting on Monday 10th October in the seminar room (next to Rays shop) from 5-6pm 

Everyone is welcome, we will discuss what type of workshops we want to hold, please think about what type of things you would like to do over the weekend. Also if you have done any other type of sewing or textiles type crafting e.g. embroidery being along some of your work to show others 

I am also looking for people to help me run the forum, for this you don’t actually need to know anything about sewing, with practical things like washing and ironing fabric or you could be good at the admin side, if so please send me an email at or on Instagram Bethisbeing_arty 

Painting Forum

Painting  Forum  
Thurs, 13 Oct 2022, 2- 4 PM

The next Painting+ forum will take place on Thurs, 13 Oct 2022, 2- 4 PM

We will meet in the Long Gallery. The Forum is open to everybody interested in painting (UG and PG).

Anybody interested in showing work in progress, please get in touch with me in the next days.

Also, if you have any practical questions, please come along or contact me before.( .

Painting is a place for regular studio discussions about painting, an exchange of ideas and texts dealing with the everyday task of painting. It started in autumn 2019 with a series of informal discussions on painting with Newcastle University Fine Art students from all years (Undergraduate and Postgraduate).

For more info click here :

I am terrified by the beautiful things that are going to be created

Next Wednesday (12 October) at 4pm
Studio Space in the Armstrong Building (ARMB.G.13).
The piece is a work in progress and being shown as part of the Newcastle University Performance Research Network Seminar series. Everyone is very welcome to attend.

I have found myself the custodian of a collection of performance scores. They were written by over 70 workshop participants during the lockdown in early 2021. The performance will share material from the collection and consider its legacy. I work with performance, often using texts, video fragments and choreographies composed as live collages of material. At the heart of this is an interest in how knowledge and meaning are generated through relationships with others. My work is often collaborative and influenced by creative approaches to working together from experimental theatre, contemporary dance and music. 
Since 2016, I have self-published the zine TALKER for which I interview performance- makers about their process. In order to present these discussions in a structurally innovative way that reflects the nimble, performative exchange of verbal discourse, I ensure they keep the fluid movement of conversation once edited and printed. Issue #1 featured artist, curator, writer and educator Ian White and subsequent issues publish interviews with Kate Valk of the Wooster Group, playwright Richard Maxwell, artists Sue Tompkins, Dora García, Paul Maheke, and choreographer Jo Fong. I have also produced an issue that published an in-conversation event between Spalding Gray and Kathy Acker from 1987. The most recent issues feature conversations with artists Barby Asante, Gustav Metzger and Miranda July.

Life Drawing

Life drawing is back. We will start the new series of sessions on 10 Oct 2022, 11- 4 PM, Life Room, Fine Art Department. The tutored sessions, open to all Fine Art students, will be split in two sessions, morning and afternoon. Details on how to sign up will follow.

Any questions, please contact