Green Finger Forum

The first of the Green Finger Forum of the year will be next Tuesday 4th October at 14-15 Windsor Terrace 11.30-2.30- look for the big red door with the poster on it- all welcome.  The forum creates a space for those interested in ecological issues, growing things and building a better relationship with the environment. Come see what we get up to and if it is something you would like to be involved in.
This is the second year of the GGF and after all the hard work of clearing the ground, building the raised beds and planting seeds last year – we now get to eat the fruits of our labours.  We will be harvesting the vegetables and making and eating soup as well as learning some ways of preserving veg and herbs.
Everyone is welcome – even if you have no experience of gardening – come see what we get up to, eat soup and help us plan projects for the future.

Find out more information about the Green Finger Forum here.

Irene Brown, Professor of Contemporary Art Practice 


OPEN STUDIOS is a great opportunity for our Fine Art community to come together and share some of the incredible work taking place in the department.
If you have not been involved before this is when we tidy up ALL of the studios (UG and MFA) and you present work in progress in your studio space. This year it also coincides with the second week of the Year 4 Interim shows that take place in the all bookable spaces – so lots of exciting stuff happening everywhere in the building.

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