Geophysics Danscombe and Ten Acres

The geophysics team have completed two further fields called Danscombe and Ten Acres. Both of these fields contain geophysical anomalies that are likely to be archaeological. One of the most interesting discoveries is a sinuous anomaly that is probably an ancient stream channel that would have fed into Balls Water (or Welham’s Brook).


Geophysics of Ten Acres. The features in this field may well be Romano-British © Geoflo and The Lufton Project


Geophysics of Danscmobe. The sinuous anomaly is likely to be an ancient stream channel © Geoflo and The Lufton Project

Rolling & Geophysics

Geoflo and SSARG are busy extending the geophysical survey. The ‘Any Other Duties’ clause is in full effect here as Nigel rolls a hay bale out of the way before surveying.

Geoflo geophysics

Nigel rolling haybales before surveying © GeoFlo

Meanwhile James is writing funding applications for next year’s excavations…