
Well, it’s the day before we leave. The van has arrived, the scanner is on a plane back from Turkey and will be collected from a service station near Durham tomorrow. All we need to do is load the van, drive several hundred miles, set up camp, dig a trench, find a bath, record it, fill it in and come home. And we’ve just two weeks to do it!

James has got his kit packed, but isn’t sure where his tin camping plate is? Did he leave it in Somerset last year? Andy is searching for and finding first aid kits.

We’re bound to forget something… but it’ll be alright on the night!





Not long now!

We’ll be in the field digging again in a little over ten days. It’ll be a modest excavation this year (on a smaller scale than last year’s investigations) but one which we hope will prove rewarding.

The team will once again be made up of James and Andy as excavation directors. Joining them will be Lufton veterans Doug and Josh who will be supervisors and a small team of first and second year undergraduates. We’ll also be joined by a few members of SSARG,

We’re looking forward to our sixth season of excavation and hope that you’ll keep up to date with our progress by visiting the blog.