2021 Abstracts Stage 2

Girls and Social Media

Abigail Vaughton, 2021, Stage 2

Girls and Social Media

The Object of my project is how social media contributes towards and perpetuates the damaging social construct of femininity.


Control is the overarching force at play in this project. It refers both to capitalist and patriarchal control. Foucault explains how social media acts as a form of surveillance, policing and governing girls’ behaviour online and prohibiting their freedom.


Identity is relevant to this project because of the identities girls form on social media. Girls internalise the sexually objectifying media content they consume on social media, which causes the development of a patriarchal construction of identity. Tiqqun is used to demonstrate how this prohibits girls from experiencing true value in a number of ways, such as the values of liberation, introspective intimacy and identity.

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