GAME OF KIN, Constanza Mendoza 

Chilean artist Constanza Mendoza will be visiting the department from Berlin.
Constanza’s work studies games and play as critical tools to examine power structures, ethic-politics and new strategies for collaboration. 
She will be giving a talk as part of the visiting speakers programme, but we will also be running a session to play Game of Kin, a collaborative card game designed by Constanza’s collective, Laboratorio de Pensamiento Lúdico. The game works from a scenario in which the climate crisis has caused the collapse of life on Earth. The objective is to generate relationships between non-human species in order to survive in their habitats. 

This will take place on Thursday 5 October between 14:00 and 17:00 in 14 Windsor Terrace.

We have ten spaces for students to join and play the game. If games are important for you, you would like to explore how they might become part of your practice or you’re interested in creative responses to the climate crisis, I encourage you to sign up here

More details about the game are included below.
Also if you would like to meet and speak with Constanza about your work, tutorial slots are available on Friday 6 October. Please add your name and info here to book one.
All the best,

Can you imagine what life on Earth will be like in four hundred years when the Anthropocene is over? Game of Kin is a speculative game about the species that survived the global collapse to fabulate a new era of cooperation and relationality. Game of Kin changes the perspectives on what is happening, because by modifying the questions we will be able to propose new answers. As long as we imagine it, we will have already started a new era.
Game of Kin is designed for up to 24 people to participate. It does not require any specific skill or knowledge. Game of Kin consists of a deck of cards with which groups are formed that are defined as ecological niches. That is, each group is determined by a territory with differentiated climatic conditions and inhabited by interdependent organisms adapted to those conditions and territory. The possibilities of each game are infinite and never repeated, but always imply responsibilities.

Game of Kin is a game designed by Laboratorio de Pensamiento Lúdico (LPL) and it will be facilitated by Constanza Mendoza.