Breakfast Club!

 Every Tuesday 9.30 -10.00 am 

Fine Art Café

Free coffee & biscuits 

BA, MFA, PHD Students & staff all welcome – We hope to see you there

What is Breakfast Club? 

Hosted by the Head of Fine and Deputy Head (Christian & Nick), Breakfast Club is an informal space for conversation, and community. You can pop in for a coffee and chat about anything that comes to mind.  We can listen, answer questions you might have and resolve concerns or just chat about whatever is the hot topic that week. Let us know your ideas ! Breakfast Club continues every teaching week on Tuesdays 9.30-10.00 am in the FA Café 

Everyone welcome. 🙂 

Best wishes,

Fine Art  

Greenfinger Forum is back

Hello All – The GFF is Back!

Have you always wanted to learn how to grow your own food? Know how but have nowhere to garden? Are you 

interested in organic gardening, green issues or working with natural materials in your practice? Are you interested in alternative approaches to creating opportunities for discussion and collaboration ? – Then come and work with the Green Finger Forum at 14-15 Windsor Terrace!

The GFF is a student run forum based on creating opportunities for creative social events through gardening, cooking, eating, foraging and making. We will hold approximately 2-3 events per semester. This often takes the form of a little light gardening (depending on the season) and making and eat a vegan/vegetarian lunch together. This year we are also intending to run workshops in other plant related subjects such as pickling and preserving , natural dyes and using natural materials in making artworks .

This year we are trying out an international recipe theme – so if you have a dish that you would like to take the lead in showing others how to prepare and cook then please get in touch by responding to the emails we will send out. We are also looking for ideas from you for other workshops and projects we can run or help facilitate.

In 2022 the GGF cleared the overgrown gardens at the back of 14-15 Windsor Terrace near the Robinson Library. We also built compost bins, raised beds, and a small greenhouse, and planted a herb bed and a vegetable garden. Everything has bloomed over the last two years and we have been eating salads, micro-greens, courgettes, potatoes and beans for sunny lunchtime snacks over the summer. There are still lots of lovely veggies left to harvest and eat or to pickle, preserve or perhaps use for dying or making inks etc.

We would love to have you come join us .  You do not need to have any experience in gardening or to have been involved last year – just bring an open mind and generous approach to working with others. If you are intending to help in the garden please wear clothes and footwear that you do not mind getting a bit dirty. If we have bad weather we will have indoor activities.

Our first meeting of the new academic year 23-24 on Monday 13th November (see poster attached)and will be a whole day event with pierogi making, talks and workshops. You can pop in when you feel like but it would be great to have some collaboration in making the food in the morning for lunch around 1pm. The food w e prepare is vegan and we also try to have gluten free alternatives when possible. Contributions welcome.

Any questions please contact Irene –