Upcoming HEA Events

The Higher Education Academy have just released their list of upcoming events which can be found here http://mail.heacademy.ac.uk/12ZA-4Z4E8-CB5ILPSUD6/cr.aspx.

Please note the University is a Strategic Partner with the HEA and we are entitled to get the relevant rate for events. (You can check the rate by going to the information about the event and selecting Newcastle university in the Price details box.)

Note there is an early bird booking discount until the end of July.


2017 Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE)

The Higher Education Academy is pleased to announce a new round of funding for the 2017 Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE). These awards aim to celebrate collaborative learning and teaching initiatives that positively impact on the student experience in creative and innovative ways. Each award will recognise a team who have enabled a change in practice for colleagues or students at an institutional or discipline level.

Only one bid can go forward from each institution. To become the Newcastle University bid you are invited to put forward a draft claim (max 1000) and a draft of the dissemination and impact plan (max 2000 words). Please note you do not need to submit a draft of the Institutional statement of support.

The HEA guidance can be found here https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/download/collaborative-awards-teaching-excellence-nomination-form-and-guidance-2017

The completed papers should be emailed to ltds@ncl.ac.uk no later than 9am Monday 20 March, please title your email “CATE Application”.

Applications will be considered by a panel comprising the PVC(L&T) Chair, the Head of LTDS, the FLTSEC chairs and the NUSU Education Officer. The panel will consider all applications received that week and you will notified of the outcome no later than Wednesday 29 March.

If you have questions or queries, please contact ltds@ncl.ac.uk

Higher Education Academy – Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) Call for applications

The Higher Education Academy is very pleased to establish a new award scheme for 2016: the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE). These awards aim to celebrate collaborative learning and teaching initiatives that positively impact on the student experience in creative and innovative ways. Each award will recognise a team who have enabled a change in practice for colleagues or students at an institutional or discipline level.

Only one bid can go forward from each institution. To become the Newcastle University bid you are invited to put forward a draft Stage 1 application using the HEA’s documents and a draft of the impact and dissemination plan that would be submitted if your application makes it to Stage 2 of the HEA’s process. Please note you do not need to submit a draft of the Institutional statement of support.

All the documents can be found here https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/recognition-accreditation/collaborative-awards-teaching-excellence-cate

The completed papers should be emailed to ltds@ncl.ac.uk no later than 9am Friday 1st July, please title your email “CATE Application”.

Applications will be considered by a panel comprising the PVC(L&T) Chair, the Head of LTDS, the FLTSEC chairs and the NUSU Education Officer. The panel will meet on 6th July and you will notified of the outcome as soon as possible after the meeting.

If you have questions or queries, please contact ltds@ncl.ac.uk.

Learning and Teaching Conference 14 March 2016 – Bookings now open

Our 12th annual Learning and Teaching Conference is only a month away and bookings are now open. You are welcome to attend for the whole day or the morning or afternoon.
The theme this year is Assessment and Feedback and we’re looking forward to a lively day of discussion and examples of interesting and effective practice. In particular we’ll be welcoming a panel of teachers to help us understand more about the assessment students undertake before they come to university.

The booking form can be found here – booking form

The programme is here

9-9.30 Registration and Coffee
9.30 Opening with Prof Suzanne Cholerton, PVC (L&T)
10.00 Students’ Perspectives on Feedback and Assessment

Matt Price, Education Officer

10:50 Coffee
11:10-11:40 12 Years On…How Far We’ve Come With Feedback and Assessment

Short presentations

11:40-11:50 Break
11.50-12:35 Technology in Assessment and Feedback

Short presentations

12.35 Lunch


Writing surface capture demo

13.15 Samuel Elkington, Academic Lead (Assessment and Feedback), HEA

Tools and Tips, how the HEA can support academics in assessment and feedback

14.15 Current projects in assessment and feedback

Micro presentations

14:45-15:00 Tea
15.00 Teacher Panel: How Does Feedback and Assessment at School Impact University Transitions?
16:00 Finish