University Strategy Launch 1st October: Technology Enhanced Learning Roadmap

Join us on the 1st October, 1pm-2pm to  hear more about the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)  Roadmap. This session will be delivered by Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education and is part of  an exciting programme of events in place to launch the Newcastle University Vision and Strategy.

An educational experience supported and enhanced by technology is one of the 4 key themes in the Newcastle University Education Strategy and this session will provide an opportunity for you to hear about plans  to support TEL across the University. This will involve investment to support Schools to deliver educational experiences that enable students to fulfill their potential. There will also be a chance to hear some of the great  work that is already taking place.

Sign up here where you can also view a range of the other sessions that are taking place as part of the launch event.

Meet the Team: Learning Enhancement and Technology Team

The Learning Enhancement and Technology Team (LETT) can help you with a number of technologies to enhance and support your teaching.  They also support a range of other quality enhancement activities from the learning and teaching conference to reward and recognition for teaching.  Visit the elements site for information about the workshops and webinars delivered by the team.

Find out more about the team and what they can help with below:

Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell

Learning Enhancement and Technology Team Manager

Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell


Graeme manages the Learning Enhancement and Technology team, and is the pedagogic lead for Turnitin.

He also manages the University submission to National Teaching Fellow awards (NTFS), and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE), as well as the Vice Chancellor’s Education Excellence Awards.

Continue reading “Meet the Team: Learning Enhancement and Technology Team”

Advance HE: 15% off selected Programmes, Conferences and Events

Advance HE offer a number of Programmes and Events over the course of the Academic year. They are offering a 15% early bird discount on a selection of these events for attendees who sign up before the 30th September 2018.

There are opportunities relating to :

Leadership, Governance and Management Programmes

Teaching and Learning Programmes, Conferences and Events

Full details are available on the Advance HE Website

Blended Learning 101

By Nuala Davis, LTDS

Here are a few practical tips on getting started.

Bling it up

Our institutional VLE Blackboard can be made to look more interesting.  It’s down to you…

  • add images to items
  • think about what you can embed – Video, Slideshare, Polls and quizzes
  • Add links to discussion boards – and if you use these make sure you have time to contribute and set the tone (be a good cocktail party host at the start).  Create an introductory post on each discussion board – it’s far too scary to be the first one who posts.


Make the journey really clear on your course and use weekly emails/announcements to reinforce what’s to be done and reflect on what’s been good.

Continue reading “Blended Learning 101”

Learning and Teaching Development Programme 2018/19

Learning and Teaching Development Programme

The new Learning and Teaching Development Programme for 2018/19 is now available.

Whether you are wanting to try something new in your teaching, get the most out of technologies or explore opportunities for development, there should be a session for you .

The  workshops and webinars are available on elements (you can log in with your usual Newcastle login) and include sessions for academic and professional services staff. 

Learning and Teaching Leadership

Technology Enhanced Learning

Reward and Recognition

Student Support

Student Voice

View the sessions using the categories above or get in touch if you would like advice on workshops for your role, or if you have any ideas for a bespoke workshop

Expanding and diversifying online exam provision

Student working on a computer

In 2017/18 academic year the University launched a project that aims to make online summative assessment possible for a wide range of assessment types and in non-cluster environments, which is one of the objectives in the TEL Roadmap.

The project focuses on two key areas:

  • Expanding the types of online exams that we can deliver here at Newcastle
  • Exploring the possibility of students using their own laptops to take secure online exams

Continue reading “Expanding and diversifying online exam provision”

Interested in learning how to publish in the field of learning and teaching? HaSS Faculty event

Academic staff on T&S contracts in the HaSS Faculty may be interested in attending the first in a series of events aimed at those wanting to publish in the field of learning and teaching (one of the HaSS Faculty definitions of scholarship).

The first event is on 12th September from 12-3pm.

More details are on the  event advert.

Please use this online form either to sign up to attend the first event or to express interest in attending future events in the series

Please do also let other interested colleagues know about the event.

The Year Abroad Conference 2018: Still time to register

Are you  involved in the  preparation, support, management, organisation or assessment of the Year Abroad?

Register for the Year Abroad Conference which will take place on 14th September 2018 at Newcastle University.

This is a unique opportunity to meet colleagues working in this area to share ideas and expertise. A number of topics will be covered including mental health, assessment, employability and more. Please take a look at the full programme here.

The conference is organised by Newcastle University School of Modern Languages, in collaboration with colleagues from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Warwick.

The deadline for registration is 26th August 2018. To find out more and to register please visit The Year Abroad Conference Website.  If you can’t attend the whole day but would be particularly interested in one or two sessions, please do get in touch with the conference organisers Sandra Salin or Damien Hall.