Award winning courses

Two free online courses from Newcastle University were recognised at the National Dementia Awards 2019 last night, where they won Outstanding Educational Resource.

Dementia Care: Staying Connected and Living Well, and Dementia Care: Living Well as Dementia Progresses were both designed to provide information, advice, and opportunities to share experiences for people living with or care for people with dementia.

Developed in partnership between academic teams in FMS led by Lynne Corner and Professor Dame Louise Robinson, and the Learning and Teaching Development Service, the course are now in their 8th and 3rd runs and consistently get great feedback from learners.

Both courses are open to anyone and are freely available on FutureLearn.

NUTELA award winners

Newcastle University Technology Enhanced Learning AdvocatesĀ  (NUTELA) were busy in advance of this year’s Learning and Teaching Conference, reviewing all submissions relating to Technology Enhanced Learning.

Student engagement, transferability to other areas and innovation were all key in the decisions of the group.

Three fantastic winners were selected, each winning funds to further develop or disseminate their project.

Dr Chris Graham and Dr Laura Delgaty
Dr Chris Graham and Dr Laura Delgaty

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