Tuesday Wk 2

We started early today in the hope that we might avoid the worst of the heat. The plan sort of worked but it was 18 degrees at 8am and rose to about 26 degrees which was exhausting.

The day got off to an excellent start (!) with a portaloo fiasco. Apparently our toilet was positioned by the hire company in such a place that they can’t empty it. Here’s hoping they move it to a better spot soon.



On a more positive note work progressed well in Trench B. Kimberley, Chris, Sue and James G finally resolved the deep slot they’ve been digging for the last few days. It proved to be a large ditch or holloway with a number of fills. The lowest fill, which was dark grey, produced a large fragment of animal bone and also a small, black soapy feeling sherd that might be pre-Norman…


We also had a special visitor to site today: Woofton. Woofton is the dig mascot given by Min to her Daddy. Woofton had great fun playing on site and with the team.


Elsewhere in Trench B pretty much the entire team continued to excavate a thick layer which is producing medieval pottery. In the hot dry conditions finds recovery was aided by Bill and James SA’s meticulous sieving. What’s under this layer remains something of a mystery that has Andy and James scratching their heads.

Over in Trench A Hayley and Flora spent the day excavating the stoney feature (almost certainly a recent field drain) and drawing sections.

Late in the day Bill did a run to the supermarket for some icecreams, which were desperately needed by the digging team. Food tonight was excellent fajitas served up in exemplary style by Lucy and Ollie.


Week 2

Week two began with us bailing and sponging the two trenches after rain over the weekend. We also took the opportunity to scrape back and photograph Trenches A and B.

In Trench A, Lucy and Hayley were joined by Mary and Sue who are members of SSARG.

Trench B was a hive of activity. Chris, Jessie, James G and Ollie continued to excavate the complex feature in the NW of trench B. This feature became even more complex when Chris and Ollie uncovered a ceramic field drain which appears to have been placed without a cut being visible in the trench section.

The rest of the team in Trench B cut another slot trying to clarify the stratigraphic sequence.


Meanwhile at camp, Bill was witnessed chasing a springer spaniel who had decided to liberate some bread rolls.
A special thanks to our neighbours, who have provided us with some homemade wine.


Saturday night saw Elliot win the open mic competition in Odcombe! It was an excellent evening and Elliot won out against some talented competition.


Sunday saw the team visit the Cerne Abbas giant, Lulworth Cove and Wareham where we enjoyed the Anglo-Saxon churches and defences. We also (coincidentally) ran into Bella and Fraser. Both are recent graduates from Newcastle and Fraser’s a veteran of the 2012 season.

Home now for a relaxing BBQ



We don’t usually post on Saturday but thought that we’d record our thanks to the Mason’s Arms in Odcombe for their welcome and fine beers. We had a lovely time and Kimberly especially enjoyed the visit!

Most of Saturday was spent shopping for food and mooching about Yeovil. Elliot is returning to Odcombe tonight with his guitar and high hopes for the open mic competition…


The End of our First Week

Bill, Pete and Hayley investigated the stone feature in Trench A and discovered it was most likely a land drain and probably modern.

There was lots of activity in Trench B today.

Kimberly, Chris, James G and Ollie continued to excavate an interesting feature in the north west corner of Trench B. They moved a large amount of earth to reach a blueish grey context which could be the fill of a hollow way. This area produced a large amount of medieval pottery including green glazed sherds.


Also in Trench B, Andy, James SA and Elliot continued to excavate a slot running through a large feature. Having removed a context, which produced medieval pottery and iron slag they then recorded the underlying deposit and took some levels.


A journalist from the Western Gazette also turned up to take photos of the site and the team.

We returned home to a lovely carbonara prepared by Flora and Jess.

Tonight we will be sampling some Somerset cider in the Mason’s Arms, Odcombe

Day 4 On Site

Day 4 was a pretty busy day. In Trench A Lucy and Jess continued to tidy up after the machining and identified what is probably a modern field drain. Lucy began to excavate it in the afternoon and found a tiny fragment of medieval pottery.

In Trench B James G, Kimberley and Ollie continued to dig a deep slot across a feature we think might be a ditch or holloway (trackway). This feature has produced a lot of medieval pottery but the upper fill also contained a piece of industrially produced blue and white ‘china’ and a piece of modern glass. We think this fill might be the result of the bulldozing in the 1970s and hope to find out whether there are medieval deposits below.

Andy, Flora, Elliot and Hayley began investigating a big feature in the south-eastern corner. This is a complicated area that we don’t fully understand yet. Nevertheless medieval pottery and pieces of iron slag provided plenty of excitement.


All of this activity was aided by Bill on the sieve.


The evening saw the team return to Chris and James St A’s excellent chilli and also a new camping shower.

Seal Matrix

We had an exciting find yesterday just south of Trench B.

A copper-alloy seal matrix (used for marking sealing wax with a design) dating from AD1250-1400 depicting a hare riding a hound and blowing a horn. Around the edge there’s an inscription reading ‘Sohev Roben’, which is a medieval phrase similar to ‘Tallyho Fido’.

The seal is a humorous little piece and mocks the medieval elite’s favourite past time. It may have belonged to a noblewoman poking fun at her male friends and relations or a clergyman.

A similar seal is noted on the PAS Database.

Thanks to Mike (Ski) for his help in finding this object.


Day 3 on Site

This morning Andy and Ollie spent some time establishing a temporary bench mark (TBM) by traversing across the landscape from a datum which tells us height above see level. A TBM is used to work out the height above sea level of features and artefacts when using a level and is a really important part of the recording process.


The work in trench A began with Lucy, Flora and Hayley drawing a section. Later Pete and Bill scraped back exposing an interesting feature in the south eastern corner. In Trench B Chris and Kimberly used the magnetic susceptibility meter.

After lunch the team continued to straighten the trench edge, expose the interesting stone feature and excavate a slot across one of our features, this produced a number of medieval sherds. Another find was a seal matrix found by Ski, our local metal detector, near one of our trenches. More on this exciting find to follow!

Day 2 on site

In the western end of trench A Jess, Pete and James cleaned up to prove that it contained no archaeology.

However in the eastern side of Trench A, James and the digger driver carried on machining to uncover an interesting linear stone feature of unknown date and function – it could be a drain or a wall.

In trench B Andy and James continued to open the trench to discover it was full of archaeological features. These seem to fit the geophysics. Finds so far include medieval pottery and a stone hone.

We came home to a delightful tea of fajitas and potato salad from locally grown potatoes.




Day One on Site

Today we spent our first full day on site. This started by setting up the site office (including some improvised carpentry to support our finds table) and laying out Trench B.

Today’s major event however was the opening of trench A. This gave the team the chance to watch a digger take up top soil and look for archaeological features in the clay – archaeological machine watching.


After trench A was opened a section was cut and cleaned up to show different stratigraphic layers; After lunch, trench B was opened as well.

Hayley found a few sherds of medieval pottery which was encouraging and gives us a bit of hope as to possible medieval remains.

We returned back to base camp after a trip to the supermarket and around Yeovil, to a delicious bolognese made by Kimberley and Bill.