2006 Abstracts Stage 3

The Outside In Restaurant

Caroline Galvin, 2006, Stage 3

Food goes along with sleep, water and recreation to formulate the fundamental necessaries we as humans need to survive. In most developed countries we have cultivated mechanisms and technologies that greatly improve the provision of food and this has given rise to experimentation with flavours and recipes that has produced a variety of tastes and delights. Within these countries eating has lost its association with need and has developed a new connotation with pleasure. Restaurants are just one of the industries that have been born of that pleasure, as we enter the beginnings of a still very young millennium, the changes and growth of the restaurant industry provides a vessel in which to explore the drive for consumption, the importance of the meal and society in its relation to culture. All this is amidst a backdrop of those country’s which still encounter the struggle for food and in many ways reflect the same picture of life from the beginning of the last millennium. Part One – Analysis of three restaurants in Leeds:- Anthony’s – Fine Dining; The Outside In – Family Restaurant / Nouvelle Cuisine; McDonald’s – Fast Food. Part Two – History of The Restaurant, Parisian Phenomena, Move to England and USA, Last 50 years – diet revolution. Part Three – McDonaldization of Society, Max Weber – Rationalisation, Mass Culture / Consumerism. Part Four – Food Technology, Martin Heidegger and Albert Borgmann – Technology, Healthier Attitudes – Slow Food. Key Texts – Heidegger – Question Concerning Technology, Eric Schlosser – Fast Food Nation, George Ritzer – The McDonaldization of Society, Rebecca Sprang – History of the Restaurant, Peter Davison – The Cultural Debate, Theodore Adorno – The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture, Albert Borgmann – Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life, Alan Warde – Consumption, Food and Taste.

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