2011 Abstracts Stage 3

Can True Ethical Business Practice Exist in a Capitalist Society?

To come to a conclusion whether a capitalist society is a breeding ground for unethical business practice.

What is capitalism?
Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and profit is the incentive for motivation

Philosophers: Rawls and Marx
I shall investigate how Rawls and his ‘Theory of Justice’ can be applied to a system of capitalism. Also how Marx and his stance against a free market may or may not be correct.

The case study of Enron will be my example of how the free market may give too much freedom to independent companies. It also shows how Marx to some extent is right, but furthermore how Rawls can be seen with the workings of this major meltdown.

Why Business?
I chose business and its ethics because I hope to further my knowledge in the field of accounting as this is the profession I one day hope to enter. Both Rawls and Marx have great influences on the decisions faced in this profession.