2021 Abstracts Stage 3

The social credit system and its implication.

This project will examine the territory of social credit system and its philosophical implications. The main aim of this project is to look at influence of Philosophy of Confucianism had on the creation of the social credit system. China promoted the social credit system by usage of Confucianism notion of the virtue ‘trustworthiness’. However, this project aims to show that the social credit system only uses one aspect of the philosophy Confucianism while leaving out a core notion of ‘self-cultivation’. The comparison of between the social credit systema and Confucianism will show the implication such system on moral agents. this will show how the social credit system leave out the internal dimension of individual life how it and only focuses on the external dimensions. Thereafter, Foucault concept if disciplinary power will be used illustrate how the social credit system is perfect example of presence of disciplinary power in modern times. This project will show how the social credit system is an artificial model of the Jeremy Bentham’s’ Panopticon prison.