Special Guest Blog – The Great North Museum: Hancock Library

Interested in using archives and rare books? Newcastle University Library’s Special Collections isn’t the only local resource with rich unique and distinctive material to support original research.

In this guest blog, our heritage partners shine a light on their collections.

Great North Museum: Hancock Library

The Great North Museum: Hancock has a unique Library that is located on the second floor of the Museum.  It is open to everyone and free to use and the collections contain a wealth of fascinating information on the history, natural history and archaeology of the northern region and beyond.

It is a fantastic resource for Newcastle University students and anyone else who would like to pay us a visit.

The Great North Museum: Hancock Library has four unique collections that were brought together under one roof when it opened in 2009. Further information about these are as follows:

The Library of the Natural History Society of Northumbria

The Natural History Society of Northumbria was established in 1829 and the Library has been housed in the museum since it was opened in 1884. It contains one of the largest collections of specialist natural history material in northern England. The collection focuses on the wildlife of the northern region and contains over 10, 000 books and around 500 journal titles.

It has books on zoology, botany, ornithology, geology, biodiversity and ecology. It contains the entire Collins New Naturalist series.

A wide range of rare and important books form part of the collection, including first editions of books published in the 16th – 18th centuries. Some examples of these include William Turner’s “A New Herbal” published in 1551, and Pierre Belon’s early ornithological work “Histoire de la nature des oyseaux” published in 1555. The library is also proud to possess a first edition of Charles Darwin’s seminal work “On the origin of species”.   One of the strengths of the collection is the beautiful images contained in a number of books, including Edward Lear’s ”Illustrations of parrots” published in 1832.

Natural History Society of Northumbria Archive

The archives hold the Society’s own records dating from its foundation in 1829, including the history of the Hancock Museum.  Also available are manuscript letters, diaries, notebooks and other material relating to renowned northern naturalists such as Abel Chapman.  A nationally important and unique collection of original watercolours, drawings and proof engravings by the famous wood engraver and naturalist Thomas Bewick form a key part of the collection.

The collection contains many impressive images of the natural world, including beautiful watercolour drawings of British and foreign shells by the local artist George Gibsone.

The archive material is available to view by appointment only. Please contact the Library for details of how to do this.

Further information about the NHSN Library and Archives can be found by using the following link http://www.nhsn.ncl.ac.uk/resources-overview.php


Cowen Library

The library of Newcastle University’s School of History, Classics and Archaeology is named after John D Cowen, an eminent amateur archaeologist who donated his personal library to the University in 1976.  The collection was moved to the Great North Museum: Hancock Library in 2009 and consists of around 9000 books and a range of specialist journals. The main subject areas include archaeology, ancient history and classics. Areas of particular strength are Roman Britain, local archaeology,   archaeological history and methodology and the Byzantine Empire.

Also available are a wide range of archaeological excavation reports and books on all aspects of Hadrian’s Wall and other regional antiquities. The library contains material from the 18th century to the current day, including a first edition of John Warburton’s “Vallum Romanum” published in 1753.

This impressive collection is complemented by the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne.


Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne Library

The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon TYNE is the oldest provincial society of its kind in the UK. Established in 1813 the Library of the Society is a wonderful resource for anyone with an interest in the history and antiquities of the northern region. The Library contains 10.000 books, 300 journal titles and 1700 tracts on local history, architecture and archaeology with a particularly strong collection of material on Hadrian’s Wall and Roman Britain.  The Library has many books dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries and includes treasures such as Henry Bourne’s “The History of Newcastle” published in 1736,

And the 19th century Newcastle artist Joseph Crawhall’s beautifully illustrated “Chap book Chaplets” published in 1883.

Primary source material including local directories and Poll Books dating back to the late 18th Century can also be viewed.

Further information about the Society’s Library can be found at the following link



A great place to study

The Great North Museum: Hancock Library is a terrific place to study, especially for Newcastle University students.   Full details of all the books and journals are available on the University’s online catalogue, Library Search  http://www.ncl.ac.uk/library/resources/library-search/

There is a dedicated online catalogue in the Library, as well as three computers that can be used by Newcastle University students to access their accounts. The University’s wifi service is available as well as a free public wifi service.

The Library is open during term time from 10 – 4, Monday to Friday and on the same days during vacations from 1 – 4.

We hope to see you at the Great North Museum: Hancock Library – please drop in when you get the chance.

The Battle of Britain Ends – October 2015

31 October 2015 marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the battle of Britain.

The Battle of Britain was an air campaign launched by the German Air Force, Luftwaffe against the UK in the summer and autumn of 1940. Hitler had already swept through France and forced the British army out the European mainland. In order to finally invade Britain, Hitler needed to launch a final air strike to wipe out Britain’s RAF defenses.

Though the RAF Fighter Command had only 640 aircraft against the 2600 aircraft of the Luftwaffe, with the support of Bomber Command and Coastal Command, the RAF were victorious. Nazi Germany turned their attention to bombing British cities in the attack known as The Blitz, but failure in the Battle of Britain forced Hitler to cancel his Operation Sea Lion; an amphibious and airborne invasion of Britain.

Sir Robert Pattinson

Sir Robert Pattinson

In our special collections holdings at Newcastle University we hold the letters of Sir Lawrence Pattinson, an RAF pilot who fought during World War I and World War II. After the outbreak of World War II in 1939, Sir Lawrence was appointed Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Training Command and Flying Training Command in April 1940. By January 1945, Sir Lawrence was created Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire as part of the New Year’s Honors.

This month’s treasure is a letter from Sir Archibald Sinclair thanking Sir Lawrence Pattinson, on behalf of King George VI, for his long and valuable service in the RAF (dated 20th April, 1945).

GB 186 LAP/1/4/1 – Pattinson Papers

GB 186 LAP/1/4/1 – Pattinson Papers

Ideas For Your Dissertation! #15

Idea #15 Noah’s Ark: The only surviving mystery play of the Newcastle cycle

Subjects:   Culture   / Theatre   / Theology / History

Date Range of Material
This edition published in 1922

Size of Collection
1 volume

Collection Reference Code
RB822.1 NOA

How To Order Items From This Collection
# This item is held within the Rare Books collection (Ref Code RB).
# You can place your order by linking to our request form. The reference code and title will be ‘RB822.1 NOA Noah’s Ark: The only surviving mystery play of the Newcastle cycle’.

Rare Books Finding Aid
A complete list of all items held within the Rare Books collection is available via the Library Catalogue

Handy Links

Guide to finding and using Archives and Rare Books

More Archives and Special Collections for Arts and Cultures students

More Archives and Special Collections for English Literature, Language and Linguistics students

More Archives and Special Collections for History, Classics and Archaeology students

Ideas For Your Dissertation! #14

Idea #14 The Bosanquet Archive

Subjects:   Social History / Politics

GB186/HBB Trunk 3

GB186/HBB Trunk 3

The Bosanquet Archive consists of archive material relating to Bernard Bosanquet, the idealist philosopher (1848-1923), and to his wife, Helen Bosanquet, née Dendy (1860-1926), a member of the 1909 Poor Law Commission.

Material relating to Bernard Bosanquet comprises correspondence, research notes, drafts and manuscripts of publications, as well as offprints from journals and other publications by Bernard Bosanquet himself.

Material relating to Helen Bosanquet includes notes and correspondence for her memoir of Bernard Bosanquet, offprints from publications, correspondence relating to Helen Bosanquet’s family and relating to public work, journals of travel, drawings, literary notebooks, photographs, engagement diaries and some undated miscellaneous material. A particular highlight is Helen Bosanquet’s notebook which contains diary notes on Poor Law Commission meetings attended by her in 1909.

Date Range of Material
1865 – 1934

Size of Collection
4 linear metres

Collection Reference Code

How To Order Items From This Collection
# First, use the finding aid below to search through a list of the individual items we have within this collection.
# If you find an item you would like to consult in the Special Collections reading room, simply make a note of the reference number and title of the item(s) you are interested in (for example GB186/HBB/ Trunk II A Letters from HB to her mother 1902-1918).
# You can then place your order by linking to our request form.

Finding Aid
The catalogue for the Bosanquet Archive is available via pdf download.

Handy Links

Guide to finding and using Archives and Rare Books

More Archives and Special Collections for History, Classics and Archaeology students

More Archives and Special Collections for Politics students

Ideas For Your Dissertation! #13

Idea #13 A Collection of Recipes, compiled in the years 1684-5

Jane Loraine Recipe Book- Kakes

Misc MSS. 5 Jane Loraine Recipe Book- Kakes

Subjects:   Food Science / Social History

Jane Loraine’s recipe book, which was compiled between 1684-6.

Date Range of Material

Size of Collection
1 volume.

Collection Reference Code
Misc MSS. 5

How To Order Items From This Collection
# This item is held within the archive collection Miscellaneous Manuscripts (Misc MSS).
# You can place your order by linking to our request form. The reference code and title will be ‘Misc MSS. 5 A Collection of Recipes’.

Miscellaneous Manuscripts Finding Aid
A complete list of all items held within the Miscellaneous Manuscripts collection is available via a pdf download.

Handy Links

Guide to finding and using Archives and Rare Books

More Archives and Specials Collections for Food and Nutrition students

Ideas For Your Dissertation! #12

Idea #12 MacSweeney (Barry) Papers

Subjects: Literature / Poetry / Creative Writing

BM 2-19A

BM 2-19A

These are the personal papers of local poet Barry MacSweeney (1948-2000), who was an important figure in the Modern Poetry Revival. The collection includes manuscripts and published works, correspondence, literature reviews, poetry publications, photographs and newspapers articles.

The correspondence includes a range of MacSweeney’s friends, fellow poets and family including material from Clive Bush, Pete Bland, Tim Fletcher, Nicholas Johnson, Jackie Litherland, Maggie O’Sullivan, Eric Mottram, Elaine Randall, Jeremy Prynne and Chris Torrence.

Date Range of Material
1967 – 2000

Size of Collection
19.5 linear metres

Collection Reference Code

How To Order Items From This Collection
# First, use the finding aid below to search through a list of the individual items we have within this collection.
# If you find an item you would like to consult in the Special Collections reading room, simply make a note of the reference number and title of the item(s) you are interested in (for example GB186/BM/1/4/2 Odes – Draft Typescript Copies).
# You can then place your order by linking to our request form.

Finding Aid
A catalogue of the MacSweeney (Barry) Archive is available on a pdf download.

Handy Links

Guide to finding and using Archives and Rare Books

More Archives and Special Collections for English Literature, Language and Linguistics students

Ideas For Your Dissertation! #11

Idea #11 Grey (2nd Earl) Tracts

Subjects:   History  /  Politics

The Grey Tracts reflect the interests of their former owner, the 2nd Earl Grey (1764-1845) whose Whig government was responsible for the 1832 Reform Act, 1833 Factory Act and the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act. The pamphlets cover a broad range of historical, social and economic subjects including colonial policy, public finance and banking, the Corn Laws and agriculture, poor relief, slavery, Catholicism, Ireland and the Greek Revolution.

Date Range of Material
19th Century

Size of Collection
9 linear metres

Collection Reference Code
Grey Tracts

How To Order Items From This Collection
# First, use the library catalogue link below to see a list of the individual books we have within this collection.
# If you find some books you would like to consult, click on each item and you should find yourself in the Request section of the catalogue.  Then simply hit the ‘Request to consult in Special Collections’ button, complete the order form, and the book will be brought out of the stores for you.  You will receive an email from us as soon as they are ready for you.

Library Catalogue Link

A complete list of items within the Grey Tracts collection is available via the Library Catalogue.

Handy Links

Guide to finding and using Archives and Rare Books

More Archives and Special Collections for History, Classics and Archaeology students

More Archives and Special Collections for Politics students

Ideas For Your Dissertation! #10

Idea #10 Sharp (Thomas) Archive

Subjects:   Town Planning

GB186/THS/6 Plan for Port Eynon and Horton

GB186/THS/6 Plan for Port Eynon and Horton

The papers of Thomas Sharp (1901-1978) were largely gifted by his sister, Rachel Sharp and had been rescued from Sharp’s Oxford house by Professor Brenikov of Newcastle University. Further material has been acquired for the collection from Patrick Horsbrugh.

Sharp was a significant figure in town planning and a major influence on the development of ideas of townscape and on the forms that town and countryside should take through such publications as Town and Countryside (1932), Town Planning (1940) and Town and Townscape (1968). His plans for historic cities such as Durham, Oxford and Exeter in the 1940s were also potent.  The collection contains information and correspondence on plans and texts, including unpublished works; original plans; documentation on key planning cases; press-cuttings; documentation relating to unsuccessful commissions; typescripts, including that of an unpublished autobiography; personal correspondence and creative writing.

This impressive archive documents the progression of Sharp’s thinking throughout his career, draws attention to the important issues which underpinned the planning commission process at the time, provides information on how commissions were received and offers material showing how arguments and ideologies of urban evolution were advanced.

Date Range of Material
1932 – 1984

Size of Collection
4 linear metres

Collection Reference Code


How To Order Items From This Collection
# First, use the finding aid below to search through a list of the individual items we have within this collection.
# If you find an item you would like to consult in the Special Collections reading room, simply make a note of the reference number and title of the item(s) you are interested in (for example GB186/THS/6 Plan for Port Eynon and Horton).
# You can then place your order by linking to our request form.

Finding Aid
A catalogue of the Sharp (Thomas) Archive is available via Archives Hub.

Handy Links

Guide to finding and using Archives and Rare Books

More Archives and Special Collections for Architecture, Planning and Landscape students

More Archives and Special Collections for Geography students

Ideas For Your Dissertation #9

HL-4-5-1-2 P6-2

HL-4-5-1-2 P6-2

Idea #9 The Loebl (Herbert) Archive

Subjects:   Electrical Engineering  /  Medical Engineering   /  Medical Laboratory Analysis Technology  /  Technology Transfer   /  Business  /  Exports  /  Local History

Herbert Loebl moved to the North East of England as a refugee from Nazi Germany and remained in the area for the rest of his life, becoming an important industrialist in the region and a major employer.  Loebl specialised in the production of high-tech scientific equipment focussed mainly on the newly emerging medical laboratory analysis market.

This collection consists of business records for the various engineering and knowledge transfer enterprises with which Herbert Loebl was involved in his lifetime, and also a collection of personal records which cover a large range of topics including local events in Newcastle upon Tyne and Northumbria and events within the local Jewish community.

Date Range of Material
1939 – 2012

Size of Collection
8 linear metres

Collection Reference Code

How To Order Items From This Collection
# First, use the finding aid below to search through a list of the individual items we have within this collection.
# If you find an item you would like to consult in the Special Collections reading room, simply make a note of the reference number and title of the item(s) you are interested in (for example GB186/HL/2/4 Newcastle Technology Centre File 1985-1990).
# You can then place your order by linking to our request form.

Finding Aid
A catalogue of the Loebl (Herbert) Archive is available via Archives Hub.

Handy Links

Guide to finding and using Archives and Rare Books

More Archives and Special Collections for Electrical and Electronic Engineering students

More Archives and Special Collections for Biology students

More Archives and Special Collections for Business Students

More Archives and Special Collections for Politics students

Ideas For Your Dissertation! #8

Idea #8 Bloodaxe Books Archive

Subjects:   Literature   Creative Writing   Poetry Publishing

The Poetics Of The Archive bloodaxe.ncl.ac.uk

The Poetics Of The Archive bloodaxe.ncl.ac.uk


The Bloodaxe Books archive is considered one of the most exciting archives for contemporary poetry that exists. The material in the collection includes 592 boxes of original typescripts, editorial work, correspondence, and examples of marketing, business and financial records dating from the 1970’s to the present day. These records represent authors and books that have won virtually every major literary award given to poetry, including the T.S. Elliot Prize, Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize.  Bloodaxe is also known for its work with translated collections and American poetry, and have published responsively to cultural change in Britain, publishing some of the finest writers in the British-Caribbean and South-Asian diaspora.   Another significant achievement is that Bloodaxe publish more female writers than any other British poetry publisher, at a 50:50 male:female ratio.  The company has opened up poetry to thousands of new readers and the material held in the archive demonstrates how Bloodaxe Books has been able to achieve this.

Date Range of Material
1978 – Current

Size of Collection
103 linear metres

Collection Reference Code

How To Order Items From This Collection
# First, use the finding aid below to search through a list of the individual items we have within this collection.
# If you find an item you would like to consult in the Special Collections reading room, simply make a note of the reference number and title of the item(s) you are interested in (for example GB186/BXB/2/3/9 They Made Tyneside Great).
# You can then place your order by linking to our request form.

Finding Aid
A catalogue for the Bloodaxe Books archive is available via Archives Hub.

Handy Links

Guide to finding and using Archives and Rare Books

More Archives and Special Collections for English Literature, Language and Linguistics students