Friday 7th October 2016
08.15-08.45 Registration
08.45-09.00 Welcome
09.00- 10.30 Teeth and Beyond- Persistent Dento-Alveolar Pain (PDAP) disorder symposium.
Justin Durham1 and Donald Nixdorf2.
- Senior Lecturer/ Hon Consultant Oral Surgeon and NIHR Clinician Scientist, Newcastle University, UK.
- Associate Professor, Division of TMD and Orofacial Pain, University of Minnesota, USA.
Aim: To discuss the management of chronic pain by a Restorative Dentist and beyond.
Learning outcomes: Participants will be able to:
- Define PDAP.
- Apply the PDAP diagnostic criteria.
- Describe the management pathways for PDAP and the role of a Restorative Dentistry specialist.
- Describe the differential diagnosis of PDAP following root canal therapies and predictors of persistent pain.
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-13.00 Teeth and Beyond- Interactive treatment planning panel. What would you do?!
Professor Philip Preshaw (Chair)
Ailsa Nicol (Newcastle)
David Cheshire (West Sussex)
Gerry McKenna (Belfast)
Dean Barker (Aberdeen)
Stewart Barclay (Newcastle)
Raj Patel (Sheffield)
Matthew Thomas (Cardiff)
Claire Field (Sheffield)
Aims: To discuss and debate management options for a range of complex cases.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to:
- Discuss the treatment planning considerations for a range of complex cases.
- Outline the complexity of the management considerations for these cases.
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00- 14.30 RD-UK Audit prize presentations and poster prize presentations
14.30-15.45 Oncology Research Update- beyond dental management
Claire Field (Session chair)
– Human Papilloma Virus and oropharyngeal cancer (Dr Max Robinson)
– Robotic Surgery (James O’Hara)
– Chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) (Dr Rebecca Goranova)
– Altered eating: a definition and tool-box for assessment and care (Dr Duika Burges Watson)
Aim: To provide an update on the latest developments within the management of head and neck oncology beyond traditional dental management.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to:
- Discuss the current research developments with HPV associated head and neck cancers, treatment outcomes and future research directions.
- Discuss the current developments with robotic surgery and the potential implications for post-operative management, including dental.
- Describe current CRT regimes.
- Discuss how treatment for head and neck cancer can affects eating and describe how progressive cuisine can enhance quality of life.
15.45-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-16.50 Teeth and Beyond- Changing behaviours
Professor Tim Newton
Professor of Psychology as Applied to Dentistry, King College London.
Aim: To provide an overview of the COM-B model of behaviour change and its application to dentistry.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to:
- Outline the COM-B model of health related behaviour.
- Identify targets for behaviour change in dental settings.
- Define the components of the model
- Cite published evidence of the ability of the models to predict oral health related behaviours.
- Identify possible targets for interventions to enhance oral health related behaviour.
16.50-17.00 Close