Getting ready to go to University

It’s coming to the end of August and there is only one thing you can think about – leaving home and going to University! Here are some tips on what you should take, how to cope with homesickness and more…

What should I pack?

Deciding what to pack for University can be a huge challenge. There are so many items you use everyday that you don’t even think about! We’ve written a short list of things to get you started:

  • Duvet and pillows
  • Sheets for bedding
  • Device chargers
  • Toiletries
  • Laptop for study
  • Cooking utensils (yes, you may have to cook)
  • Laundry basket
  • Clothes hangers
  • Clothes horse (great way to save money on drying!)
  • Important documents
  • Medicines

This is not an extensive list by far and is only meant to provide you with ideas of the basics which you will need.

How can I cope with homesickness?

The first thing to say when discussing homesickness is that you are not alone in this. Most people who go to University will experience homesickness at some point, so discussing this with friends is key! Additionally, bringing items to University that remind you of home (such as photos of friends and family) can really help. Just remember there are a lot of support networks at University whether it is friends or staff members, so please utilise this. Finally, your family are only a phone call away if you need them. Keep yourself busy and distracted with friends and activities and you will start to feel at home in no time!

Where should I visit in my first week?

In your first week we would definitely recommend looking around the University and familiarising yourself with campus. There is nothing more stressful than getting lost and being late to your first lecture! (trust me, I know).

There are also so many beautiful areas of Newcastle to explore. Check out the restaurants and bars on Grey Street, marvel at the view of the Monument and take in the breeze at the Quayside! There is also gorgeous beaches only 25 minutes on the Metro from the town centre (I would recommend Tynemouth – that is my favourite!)

Tynemouth: Great British Break | Travel | The Sunday Times
Tynemouth: Great British Break (


Most of all – don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Moving to University can be exhausting so if you need a night to yourself to relax then do it! Everything will still be there for you the next day. Good luck and have the best time!

Transitioning from NUMed to Newcastle

By Dania Hammadi

It’s bigger, bolder, brighter.

That’s how I would describe my experience transitioning to Newcastle University from NUMed. Life is pretty similar; people are friendly, the teaching is amazing, the city is as beautiful as home. The only difference is that these things are all bigger, bolder, and brighter here in the U.K. And I’m definitely not complaining!

The red bricks of Newcastle University's Armstrong building looking glorious in the sun
The red bricks of Newcastle University’s Armstrong building looking glorious in the sun

The move from Malaysia was definitely a tough one. I grew up in Penang, an island just northwest off mainland Malaysia, and this was the only home I’d known. Moving 10-hours away to Johor to start my degree in Biomedical Sciences was scary enough, but NUMed turned to be a home away from home. We’re such a small, tight-knitted community, and on campus we could bond in ways students in a larger university wouldn’t be able to.

“Choosing to begin my studies at NUMed has been the best decision I’ve ever made!”

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