This week, as a group we went to Front Street Primary school to carry out a workshop with a year 5 class. The workshop was split into 4 tasks- Firstly, to get the students to draw the park from memory. Secondly, to label their favourite parts of the park and why- by using stickers and post-it notes. Thirdly, in their opinion what they feel could be improved within the park and finally, how do they tell people about the park. They were split into groups of 4 and were able to write and draw their ideas. As a group we found the whole experience useful as our brief is aimed at their age range. When it came to the positives about the park some areas were clear favourites e.g.- windmill, play area and workout space to name a few. Many of the children felt a negative aspect of the park was the way some teenagers use it (drinking, smoking and being loud) and the amount of rubbish, many felt if these issues were tackled it would improve the park. Another improvement the children suggested was that events at the park were more publicly known about, as some felt they would miss out due to the lack of advertising prior to the event. When we asked the children how they would tell people about the park, the majority said through posters or a website. For the website to work they said it would need to be kept up to date and should include future events as well as links that allowed people to find out more information about the park.
Within our seminar this week, as a group we feel creating an app would be most appropriate. The app would consist of a video showcasing Chase Park, with different options- for example a few of the children mentioned that they would like to know more about the history of the park. By using the app, the children could scan a QR code in a particular area e.g. the Windmill and the app would pop up with information about the history of the windmill, this isn’t just applicable to the windmill. Another example would be an event time table- with pop up reminders. Children could either access the app through their own mobile phones (with parent permission) or done in a class environment- so the teacher could let them know what was going on, making sure it would be age appropriate.

Hello team, the insights from user research in your post are really strong and refreshing. It’s great to see that you took away many valuable ideas that can now directly contribute to your sketching and storyboarding activities. In keeping with week 6 reflective prompts, consider incorporating another section here to discuss in slightly more detail how you turned your insights into a storyboard. We’ll also provide more feedback on your presentations shortly.
Thanks for your post here and glad that you have got up to date. I’m pleased you got a lot from meeting the children and that it has informed your design. Just make sure you stay focused and carry this information through to a strong design concept. Ensure you are thinking about the bigger picture too – not just how children will interact with the app, but how it could be used by adults in schools, youth workers and so on. I’ll be hoping to see this emerge from your work this coming week and next. Well done and keep it up!