Postcard Auction

Newcastle University Postcard Auction 2021
Friday 26th November 
Silent Auction Begins 5pm – Long Gallery, Fine Art Building 
Live Auction Begins 6pm – Fine Art Building 

Thank you for all your amazing submissions, as anyone who has walked through the long gallery will have noticed, the postcard auction is shaping up and we are so excited to officially invite you all to this year’s Fine Art Department Postcard Auction!  

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Funded Study Trip / Open Studio BAUHAUS Dessau, Germany

The Bauhaus is one of the most renowned experimental sites of education in the arts and in design. At regular intervals the Bauhaus Dessau invites international universities and art academies to the historic workshops of the Bauhaus in order to develop and apply contemporary models for education in art and design.

This is an opportunity for 15 Fine Art students (Year 3 and 4) to take part in an Open Studio short residency (3 days) working in collaboration with Northumbria University Newcastle final year interior design students

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LWA Workshop Documenting Artwork

Tara Alisandratos (she/her)

In person Workshops Friday 8th October

Online Live follow up Workshops Monday 18th October

Available to all students

To sign up see below

Documenting Artwork will introduce students to the role and value of documentation for Artists with a presentation of the range of photographic equipment and the technical issues around taking images of your Artwork. 

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Breakfast club 2021-22

Breakfast Club  reopens this week in the Fine Art Cafe   Every Wed starting 29th Sept @ 9 am 

Hosted by Irene and Nick,  BC is an informal space where we can come together for breakfast, conversation, and community.  You can pop in for a coffee + toast (BYO!) and chat about anything that comes to mind. We can listen, answer questions you might have and resolve concerns or just stay connected and chat about whatever is the hot topic that week.  Breakfast Club continues every Wednesday 9-10am in the cafe.  Everyone welcome Join in-person or virtually over zoom  🙂

BREAKFAST CLUB every WED @ 9.00 – 10am Meeting: Meeting ID: 930 2066 2708
Passcode: 416392