Futurelearn materials permission

Below is the process we are using to ensure we have the correct permissions to use materials on the  the FutureLearn platform

Checking/obtaining rights for existing materials:

1. Check the item and associated web pages to see if consent has been granted, for example as a Creative Commons licence that tells you under which circumstances it can be used.

2. If needs be, contact the individual or organisation asking for permission. We have a template from FutureLearn. You need to be confident that the organisation or individual owns the Copyright of the complete materials

3. If permission is granted, ensure that you save the correspondence for future reference. For FutureLearn courses, we also record information to an asset register.


Procuring/commissioning materials

  • Commissioned or purchased materials need to purchase worldwide rights in perpetuity to be used on the FutureLearn platform
  • Record the permissions have been granted and keep any correspondence (for FutureLearn, this will go in an asset register

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