Illustrations by Kevin Dick.
Come and make your ideas happen in The Enterprise Shed! This free online course starts on 30 March and lasts 4 weeks, with a time commitment of around 3 hours a week. It is led by Katie Wray, Lecturer in Enterprise from here at Newcastle University, and we are sure you will not only have a great time doing the course, but you will gain confidence to turn your ideas into action.
Join Katie on this highly interactive journey exploring and developing your own entrepreneurial mindset with a community of like minded people from all over the world.
On the course, you’ll meet a whole bunch of thinkers and doers; those just starting out, makers, tinkerers and experienced entrepreneurs. Sharing your ideas with them and other learners will encourage you to have more confidence to think and do more to create change and solve problems in your own world.
You don’t need any specific skills or experience – just passion and a willingness to get involved.
Sign up at www.futurelearn.com/courses/enterprise-shed
You can download a flyer too to share with your friends, colleagues and family.