Welcome to the art of the possible week 2021. This week will focus on blended learning, effective practice, ways to share, and opportunities to learn from each other.
The art of the possible 2021 will:
- Showcase the excellent practice developed across the University in blended and online learning over the past year by spotlighting case studies and interviews with colleagues across the University.
- Inspire ideas for blended learning proposals for consideration by Faculties.
- Re-focus minds on the education strategy objective for Newcastle University to become recognised nationally as a leading university for the use of technology enhanced learning to support campus-based education.
We have a week of online sessions including guest speakers, Helen O’Sullivan Chair of the Association for Learning Technology, and DVC at Chester University. Helen will be delivering a keynote session called ‘Preparing students for their future, not our past: How the pandemic pushed us past the tipping point into education 4.0.’
Independent researcher Helen Beetham will be delivering a two-part session on designing online activities for university learning.
There will two sessions focusing on canvas commons and sharing our ideas with each other.
We also have a session looking at virtual field work and how we’ve adapted during the pandemic.
You can visit elements to sign up, please note there is limited space available but please check.

The new Learning and Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast will be released on Wednesday. This fortnightly podcast will explore some of the great things we’ve been doing in Learning and Teaching here at Newcastle University.
There is a new homepage for the podcast and on Wednesday you will find the first two episodes. Episode one is a welcome message from our new Pro-Vice-Chancellor education Professor Tom Ward. The second episode is a wonderful conversation between Dr Paul Fleet (Chair of the Academic Progress Board of Studies at Newcastle University) and Michael Atkinson (Lecturer in Medical Education and Mindfulness Teacher at Newcastle University) exploring how we can look after our mental health and mental wellness.
You can listen and download from our podcast page, or wherever you normally get your podcasts from.
Remember to download, like, and subscribe, and you won’t miss an episode.
We will be releasing new case studies highlighting how we have adapted to teaching online since March 2020 and some great stories about how colleagues are being creative and innovative with technologies, to give really effective education experiences for our students. You can view more information through the week here.
We hope you enjoy the art of the possible 2021. Get in touch at ltds@ncl.ac.uk