Starting this September, Newcastle University is working with Advance HE to offer online External Examiner Training. The training will run over two months and is aimed at aspiring, new, or experienced examiners. It will support you to:
- understand the role of the external examiner as articulated in the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, and be confident to undertake it;
- develop a deeper understanding of the nature of academic standards and professional judgement, and explore the implications for external examining;
- use evidence-informed approaches to contribute to impartial, transparent judgements on academic standards and the enhancement of student learning.
Participation in the course can be used as evidence towards gaining (Senior or Principal) Fellowship of the HEA.
The course begins on Monday 13 September 2021. You will be guided to complete five units over two months. Each unit takes 2-3 hours to complete, and on the whole there are 4 hours of online contact with the team.
More information can be found in the External Examiner Training Poster.
Colleagues should register by Friday 16 July by completing this form.
Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact