Meet the Team: Learning Enhancement and Technology Team

The Learning Enhancement and Technology Team (LETT) can help you with a number of technologies to enhance and support your teaching.  They also support a range of other quality enhancement activities from the learning and teaching conference to reward and recognition for teaching.  Visit the elements site for information about the workshops and webinars delivered by the team.

Find out more about the team and what they can help with below:

Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell

Learning Enhancement and Technology Team Manager

Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell


Graeme manages the Learning Enhancement and Technology team, and is the pedagogic lead for Turnitin.

He also manages the University submission to National Teaching Fellow awards (NTFS), and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE), as well as the Vice Chancellor’s Education Excellence Awards.

Continue reading “Meet the Team: Learning Enhancement and Technology Team”

Advance HE: 15% off selected Programmes, Conferences and Events

Advance HE offer a number of Programmes and Events over the course of the Academic year. They are offering a 15% early bird discount on a selection of these events for attendees who sign up before the 30th September 2018.

There are opportunities relating to :

Leadership, Governance and Management Programmes

Teaching and Learning Programmes, Conferences and Events

Full details are available on the Advance HE Website

Blended Learning 101

By Nuala Davis, LTDS

Here are a few practical tips on getting started.

Bling it up

Our institutional VLE Blackboard can be made to look more interesting.  It’s down to you…

  • add images to items
  • think about what you can embed – Video, Slideshare, Polls and quizzes
  • Add links to discussion boards – and if you use these make sure you have time to contribute and set the tone (be a good cocktail party host at the start).  Create an introductory post on each discussion board – it’s far too scary to be the first one who posts.


Make the journey really clear on your course and use weekly emails/announcements to reinforce what’s to be done and reflect on what’s been good.

Continue reading “Blended Learning 101”

Learning and Teaching Development Programme 2018/19

Learning and Teaching Development Programme

The new Learning and Teaching Development Programme for 2018/19 is now available.

Whether you are wanting to try something new in your teaching, get the most out of technologies or explore opportunities for development, there should be a session for you .

The  workshops and webinars are available on elements (you can log in with your usual Newcastle login) and include sessions for academic and professional services staff. 

Learning and Teaching Leadership

Technology Enhanced Learning

Reward and Recognition

Student Support

Student Voice

View the sessions using the categories above or get in touch if you would like advice on workshops for your role, or if you have any ideas for a bespoke workshop

Interested in learning how to publish in the field of learning and teaching? HaSS Faculty event

Academic staff on T&S contracts in the HaSS Faculty may be interested in attending the first in a series of events aimed at those wanting to publish in the field of learning and teaching (one of the HaSS Faculty definitions of scholarship).

The first event is on 12th September from 12-3pm.

More details are on the  event advert.

Please use this online form either to sign up to attend the first event or to express interest in attending future events in the series

Please do also let other interested colleagues know about the event.

The Year Abroad Conference 2018: Still time to register

Are you  involved in the  preparation, support, management, organisation or assessment of the Year Abroad?

Register for the Year Abroad Conference which will take place on 14th September 2018 at Newcastle University.

This is a unique opportunity to meet colleagues working in this area to share ideas and expertise. A number of topics will be covered including mental health, assessment, employability and more. Please take a look at the full programme here.

The conference is organised by Newcastle University School of Modern Languages, in collaboration with colleagues from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Warwick.

The deadline for registration is 26th August 2018. To find out more and to register please visit The Year Abroad Conference Website.  If you can’t attend the whole day but would be particularly interested in one or two sessions, please do get in touch with the conference organisers Sandra Salin or Damien Hall.

Success for Dr Hélène Tyrrell at the Northern Law Awards

Dr Helene Tyrrell receiving her award

Congratulations to Newcastle University Law Lecturer, Dr Hélène Tyrrell, who won the Law Teacher of the Year award at the Northern Law Awards 2018.

To be eligible for the award individuals were expected to have demonstrated a number of excellent teaching qualities including innovative teaching practices, an interest in student development and the ability to enhance the student learning experience through scholarly activities.

Dr Tyrrell stood out to the judges who noted that she:

“..consistently demonstrated a high level of achievement across all of the criteria with clear evidence for genuine warmth and ability to build rapport with students”

Northern Law Awards Winners Guide 2018

One of the nominations highlighted a number of Dr Tyrrell’s key achievements including:

  • Redesigning and running the PARTNERS Summer School resulting in exceptional feedback from participants.
  • Successfully engaging over 200 students with detailed case and statute reading in a lecture setting . Read more about this in Dr Tyrrell’s case study.
  • Incorporating research knowledge into her teaching from her time researching in Parliament and her work on the UK Supreme Court. This ensured that students greatly benefited from her expertise.

The award was open to any law teacher working in Higher Education in the North of England so a fantastic achievement for Dr Tyrrell to win the award.

Dr Jennifer Stephens, also a lecturer here at Newcastle, was shortlisted for the award recognising the excellent work she has carried out with student support services.

There was further success for Newcastle Law School at the awards with the student-led Street Law initiative winning the Pro Bono/ Community Initiative of the Year.  Read more on the University website.

Learning and Teaching Conference 2018: Legacy Resources

Education for Life: celebrating partnership, encouraging innovation

This year’s Learning and Teaching Conference took place on the 21 March 2018.  Staff from across the University came together to explore the following questions:

How do we provide education for life, across all of our campuses?

How can we engage, challenge and support our students to discover and fulfill their potential in Newcastle, London, Singapore and Malaysia?

This conference  highlighted partnerships, encouraged innovation, and celebrated effective teaching. Full legacy resources are available below:

Continue reading “Learning and Teaching Conference 2018: Legacy Resources”

NUTELA weeding and seeding

The last NUTELA 3Ps (pizza, pop and practice) of this academic year took place last week . It’s been a productive year for the group and we are looking forward to arranging another exciting programme of sessions for next year.

Our excellent presenters showed everyone the new online reading lists system, gave tips about cleaning up Blackboard modules, as well as well as how to explore new ways of adding value with collaboration tools, groups and tests. There was time for attendees to ask lots of questions and give some of the technologies a go.

Special thanks to Paula Fitzpatrick and Stephen Harding from Digital Library Services and Rebecca Gill and Carol Summerside from LTDS for delivering such informative sessions.

We’ve included some resources  below but please feel free to get in touch with with any questions.

Online Reading Lists

Quick instructions for creating your own reading lists.

Blackboard Weeding and Seeding resources

Session presentation: Covering student feedback, Blackboard Baseline,  enhancement and mobile accessibility

Blackboard module checklist: A handy resource to help you consider whether your module meets the recommendations set out in the Blackboard Baseline.

Interested in NUTELA

We are always looking to engage with more members of staff and we have a mailing list which we use to keep people up to date with events and opportunities. Anyone who would like to sign up to the mailing list can email

Also if there are any technologies that you would like to try or find out more about let us know. We can try to include these in our Pizza, Pop and Practice Programme next year.