Inspera – New Feedback release option 

Assessment Feedback Digital Inspera Exams 

Markers can release a ‘common feedback’ statement to all students once all submissions have been graded. This common feedback should relate to the full exam. Feedback about specific questions can be addressed using Page Notes (you can also view a demo page note functionality). 

Important note: Assessment Feedback must be created before confirming marks. Once marks are confirmed, the option in Inspera will be greyed out.  

To use this feature, the candidate report must be enabled, for further details on Inspera feedback release and how to enable the candidate report please see our feedback release webpage 

Instructions for use of Assessment Feedback: 

  1. Within the Inspera Grade tool, to the left hand side you have workspaces. Go to the Planner workspace  
  1. Select ‘Assessment Feedback’ 
  1. This allows you to provide feedback to all students using the following methods: 

a. Text 

b. Audio 

c. Attach a file 

The example below is a Text feedback box. There is a rich text editor option for the general feedback. 

  1. Once you’ve created your feedback, click Save 
  1. For students to view this feedback on Inspera, you must enable the candidate report and select the appropriate the feedback release settings in Deliver options under ‘After Test’
  1.  ‘Enable general feedback for assessment’ 
  1.  ‘Share assessment feedback with candidates’  

Important note: Assessment Feedback cannot be edited after the Candidate Report has been released to students.  

A review of Student evaluation for Inspera  

Inspera Assessment, one of the University’s Digital Exam platforms, is in its third academic year of deployment. Following the launch of Inspera, the Learning and Teaching Development Service (LTDS) have asked for student feedback annually. Such feedback aids LTDS to ensure we are continually developing the service to improve student experience when taking an Inspera Digital Exam.  

  • 142 students submitted their feedback in academic year 21-22  
  • 104 students submitted their feedback in academic year 22-23 

Our comparison findings: 

Students are reporting that they are more satisfied with Inspera Digital Exams in academic year 22-23 compared with 21-22.  An increase is also seen in its ease of use: 

Evaluation statements from Student Users 21-22 22-23 % increase (21-22 to 22-23) 
I found starting my Inspera exam somewhat or very easy 81% 89% +8% 
I found submitting my Inspera exam somewhat or very easy 80% 93% +13% 
I am satisfied or very satisfied with my experience of taking an exam(s) using Inspera within a PC Cluster venue 73% 79% +6% 
I have tried at least one Inspera demo exam  60% 73% +13% 

The use of demo or practice Inspera exams is also on the up. Students reporting using demos more so in 22-23 compared with 21-22; this is reflected in the increased figures on the self-enrol Student Inspera Demo Canvas course. Enrolment figures across the demo exams showed an 87% increase in usage for 22-23.  

Student engagement with Inspera demos is encouraging and LTDS would like to thank all colleagues who are promoting the use of demo exams to aid students’ familiarity with the Inspera platform. Try it out or share with your students: Student Inspera Demo Course

Next Steps 

LTDS will be requesting feedback from students for our current academic year after Semester 2’s assessment period. Where possible please encourage your students to complete the form as it helps to continue the improvement of the service.