Vevox: December New Features Release

Vevox have made some updates to their features which were featured in their December product update. Find out more about the new features available, including the introduction of: 

  • Live ‘Before and After’ poll comparisons 
  • Demographic Segmentation   
  • Rich text options for question formatting 
  • Pie chart and number cloud displays available in the PowerPoint add-in 

‘Before and After’ Poll Comparison

It is now possible to run the same poll question twice and use a toggle option in present view after repeating the question in order to see a before and after comparison. This can be done live in your polls for you and your audience to see.  

This feature is only available in the present view of the Vevox Dashboard, and not in PowerPoint. 

Potential use cases: See shifts in understanding in lectures or training sessions. 

The ‘compare with previous poll’ toggle option icon in Vevox present view. 

Demographic Segmentation

It is now possible to identify trends with demographic segmentation functionality in questions. You can use the multichoice question type, to ask a demographic question such as ‘What stage of study are you in?’ at the start of your session. When you run any subsequent multichoice questions, you can choose to display the results by those demographics by using a toggle option. 

This feature is only available in the present view of the Vevox Dashboard, and not in PowerPoint. 

Potential use cases: See how answers or opinions differ among groups of students or participants. 

The ‘show a demographic split’ toggle option icon in Vevox present view. 

Rich Text Options for Question Formatting

Within the question creation area, there are now some rich text editing options available to help you when writing your questions. The new formatting available includes bold, italics, underline, bullet points, and new lines. 

The rich text editor options in the Vevox question creation area.

Pie Chart and Number Cloud Display in PowerPoint 

The option to use pie charts to display results and use number clouds as a question type were made available in the Dashboard present view back in September. They are now available in the Office 365 Vevox PowerPoint add-in. 

Additional information

For more information about Vevox, please see the dedicated Vevox webpage on the University’s Learning and Teaching website and also on Vevox’s own Blog.   

Vevox: Recent new features released!

Vevox have made a few additions and improvements to their features in recent product updates. Find out more about the new features available, including the introduction of number clouds, pie charts and the chance for participants to add labels to their Q&A questions. There are also some suggested use cases on the new features which are optional for use. 

Rating Scale Question Type 

  • This question type allows you to ask participants to rate multiple items on a scale of 1 up to 10 and create labels for the highest and lowest values.  
  • Since you can ask participants to rate multiple items under one question, this reduces the need to create multiple questions. 
  • Suggested use case: rating scale questions could be used for evaluation type questions or surveys. 

Add images to options in multiple choice questions (MCQs) 

  • It is now possible to add an image alongside every answer choice – this means you can use images as answers, or even add them for decorative purposes to help engage with participants.  

Poll creation and updates within Microsoft PowerPoint and Teams integrations 

  • The ability to create polls directly within both the PowerPoint Add-in (as well as Microsoft Teams) is now possible. This is for all question types, including the newly introduced rating scale question type and images as answer choices. 

Participant-driven Q&A labels 

  • As a session host, you can create and choose labels to share with your participants. 
  • Participants can now add these labels to their questions/comments before adding them to the Q&A board. 
  • Suggested use case: If you are delivering a session which includes different topics, you may want the ability for your participants to label questions per topic, so you can answer questions relating to each topic at a time. 

Optional downvotes in Q&A  

  • Within the Q&A function, the ability to like or ‘upvote’ responses is useful to see agreement within your audience on what questions to answer or what views attendees are agreeing with, 
  • It is now possible to ‘switch on’ the option to ‘downvote’ responses. 
  • Suggested use case: This could be used for agreeing or voting on which ‘topics’ should be explored, etc. Perhaps as an opportunity to ‘narrow down’ things. 

Pie Charts  

  • Pie charts are now available as well as bar charts for displaying results on multiple-choice polls. 
  • They are only available for poll questions that have 10 answer options or less. 
  • Suggested use case: Based on what you are asking, you can decide if the data would be best presented as a bar chart or a pie chart. 

Number Clouds 

  • As well as word clouds, it is now possible to host number clouds. 

Interactive text wall for open text questions 

  • The text wall is a new upgrade to how the ‘Open Text’ poll type responses are displayed.  
  • Responses are organised into text blocks to make it even easier to view participant responses. 
  • The blocks are also interactive, so you can quickly click on a response to spotlight it, like you can with the Q&A function. 

Live/dynamic wordclouds in PowerPoint 

  • Live word clouds are now available in the PowerPoint add-in. 
  • This matches the functionality to see the wordcloud update as responses come in like you see when using the Dashboard view. 

Additional information

For more information about Vevox, please see the dedicated Vevox webpage on the University’s Learning and Teaching website and also on Vevox’s own Blog.  

Vevox is the University’s Audience Interaction System

Following a period of evaluation and testing by colleagues from across the University, Vevox is replacing Ombea as the University’s centrally supported audience interaction system from 1 September 2023. Vevox was selected as the preferred replacement for Ombea as it provides additional functionality and an improved user experience.

Some of the benefits of Vevox:

  • Integration with PowerPoint or standalone web-based software – choose what works best for you
  • ‘Convert to poll’ button in the PowerPoint add-in enabling easy conversion of Ombea slides to Vevox polls
  • A wider range of question types than was possible with Ombea including pin on image and LaTeX notation polls
  • Integration with single-sign-on (SSO) technology to avoid the need for a separate username and password
  • Integrations with Canvas and Teams

From September 2023, Ombea will no longer be centrally supported by LTDS and NUIT and the software will no longer function in teaching spaces.


Training is available for colleagues who are new to Vevox and audience interaction systems. Initial training sessions will be delivered by Vevox and will begin on 12th September. An additional session is also scheduled for current users of Ombea who need to convert their Ombea slides to the new Vevox format (please note: existing Ombea presentations are not compatible with Vevox). Please click on the links below to sign up to a session:

12 September – 15:00 – 16:00 Getting Started with Vevox

12 September – 11:00 – 12:00 Getting Started with Vevox for Ombea Users

If any colleagues need to use Vevox for a session during the first two weeks of September, they are asked to get in touch with LTDS to arrange additional support.

Find out more on the Vevox website, and if you are interested in hearing about the benefits of Vevox from colleagues at other institutions, please see this YouTube video.

Please contact with any queries.

New Digital Learning Website

Student working on laptop

We are excited to announce the launch of a new Digital Learning website

This new site brings together the digital learning activities taking place across the University, providing you with information, step by step guides and ideas to help you to get the most out of digital technologies for learning, teaching and assessment.  

Visit the site to find out about: 

Canvas– the University’s exciting new Virtual Learning Environment replacing Blackboard from 1st August 2020. Staff and students can find project updates, information about the support available, answers to FAQs and upcoming events. 

TEL Services, lots of information about our centrally supported technologies and systems, digital exams and access to TEL guides providing you with step by step instructions. 

Blended Learning, if you want to explore online educational materials and collaborative learning opportunities with traditional face-to-face delivery, visit these pages for inspiration and support. 

We will be continuing to update the site with resources so please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see that can support you in your role. Get in touch at

Technology Enhanced Learning Drop-in Semester 2

Academic and professional services colleagues: Have you got a question about a particular learning technology? Do you want to find out if technology can enhance an existing teaching and learning activity? Do you have a great idea and want to know if technology can help you deliver it?

There is no need to book, just turn up and our learning enhancement and technology advisers will be on hand to help you. No question is too small!

Come along on:
Tuesday 5 March
USB Atrium

If you can’t make this one, don’t worry,  there will be more over the next few months at locations across campus. Further details will be published here.

If your questions relates to School (or Faculty) specific software we may not be able to help, but we hope we can signpost you to the correct support.

Any questions? Get in touch

Technology Enhanced Learning Drop-ins

Academic and professional services colleagues: Have you got a question about a particular learning technology? Do you want to find out if technology can enhance an existing teaching and learning activity? Do you have a great idea and want to know if technology can help you deliver it?

There is no need to book, just turn up and our learning enhancement and technology advisers will be on hand to help you. No question is too small!

Come along on:
Wednesday 5 December
Courtyard entrance, Old Library Building

No need to book, just turn up on the day.

If you can’t make this one, don’t worry,  there will be more over the next few months at locations across campus. Further details will be published here.

If your questions relates to School (or Faculty) specific software we may not be able to help, but we hope we can signpost you to the correct support.

Any questions? Get in touch