The Enterprise Shed is open for signups!

The Shed is open! Come on in…
Illustrations by Kevin Dick.

Come and make your ideas happen in The Enterprise Shed! This free online course starts on 30 March and lasts 4 weeks, with a time commitment of around 3 hours a week. It is led by Katie Wray, Lecturer in Enterprise from here at Newcastle University, and we are sure you will not only have a great time doing the course, but you will gain confidence to turn your ideas into action.

Join Katie on this highly interactive journey exploring and developing your own entrepreneurial mindset with a community of like minded people from all over the world.

On the course, you’ll meet a whole bunch of thinkers and doers; those just starting out, makers, tinkerers and experienced entrepreneurs. Sharing your ideas with them and other learners will encourage you to have more confidence to think and do more to create change and solve problems in your own world.

You don’t need any specific skills or experience – just passion and a willingness to get involved.

Sign up at

You can download a flyer too to share with your friends, colleagues and family.


Previous ULTSEC Innovation Award Winners 2012-13

2012 Awards: Coherent Curriculum and Access to HE

In 2012 the panel funded 17 projects, each for up to £5k to support the development of learning and teaching activities.  By funding twice as many projects as in previous years it was intended to offer additional institutional support for work done in preparation for 2012.

Four projects were funded under the priority theme of Access to HE.  Thirteen projects were funded under the priority theme of Coherent Curriculum. Relevant resources are:

  • the list of funded projects – congratulations to all the award winners
  • the 2012 call for proposals document with more information on the two priority themes
  • the ReCap recording of the dissemination and welcome event (December 2011) with project updates from the 2011 Innovation Fund project teams. Their slides are also available:
Suzanne Cholerton: introduction Moira Bent: project update
Alison Clapp: project update Rachel Lofthouse: project update
Phil Ansell: project update Grace Cooper: project update
Lindsey Ferrie: project update Simon Cotterill: project update

Mei-Yen Chan (Food and Human Nutrition) and her students have set up a project using Facebook to help BSc students on the Singapore and Newcastle campuses to interact with each other. Their project update is presented as a video interview.

The following list of project outputs will be updated as projects progress. Outputs so far are:

Learning and Teaching Conference 2012

The 2012 Teaching and Learning Conference used the five Coherent Curriculum themes as its starting point.  These themes are:

"Speaking as a new member of staff, this event has been very timely!  Interested and engaging presenters, key topics and good opportunity to ask questions.  Well organised event.  Many thanks!"

  1. Assessment and feedback
  2. Research-informed teaching
  3. Student skills and employability
  4. Student Engagement
  5. Student Induction

The Conference recognised and shared work across the institution in preparation for the Newcastle Offer commitments as we move towards 2012/13. Scroll down this page for ReCap recordings, slides, contact information and other resources from the event.

Wednesday 4th July 2012Click here to view the synopses for this day
Using Social media in your teaching: what works and what do we need to do to maximise the benefits for student learning?ReCap recording

Coherent Curriculum theme: student engagement

This session was about the specific use of social media in teaching. The University’s general guidelines for the use of social media are available online.

Jonathan Galloway (Law) – slides
Sue Dobson and David Peck (NUBS) – slides
Franck Michel (Modern Languages) and Helen Lowther (QuILT) – slides
Mei-Yen Chan (Food and Human Nutrition) and her students have set up a project using Facebook to help BSc students on the Singapore and Newcastle campuses to interact with each other. Their video interview is now available online – technical delays prevented us showing this at the Conference.
Round table discussion: Research-informed teaching. ReCap recording

A multi-stranded definition of what research-informed teaching at Newcastle University is, and what this looks like in practice, was out for consultation at the time of this session.  This was an opportunity to discuss each strand in its own right, and together as a multi-stranded definition.  Are these principles clear?  Do they allow for the breadth of practice at NU?  Round table discussion: Research-informed teaching.

Coherent Curriculum theme: research-informed teaching

Simon Pallett, Undergraduate Dean of HaSS Faculty – notes
Armelle Tardiveau, Architecture, Planning & Landscape – slides
Lee Fawcett, Mathematics & Statistics
Grace Barker, (Combined Honours)/ Kathryn Dalziel (Combined Honours student)- YouTube clip
Lindsey Ferrie (Biomedical Sciences) and her students have made short videos showing the student experience of research-informed teaching. Their videos about the lab assistant scheme and research-informed teaching are now available online – technical delays prevented us showing this at the Conference.
Ethics: How do we introduce professional ethics into the curriculum and for what purpose?Coherent Curriculum theme: skills and employability
Sue Haile and Kea-Cheng Tan (CEAM) – slides (SH) / slides (KCT)
Sandra Salin (Modern Languages) – slides
Elaine Hall (Education)
Tom Bramald (Civil Engineering and Geosciences) – slides


Thursday 5th July 2012Click here to view the synopses for this day
Engaging students in taught sessions.This session highlighted ways in which staff actively involve students in taught sessions.

ReCap recording

Coherent Curriculum theme: student engagement

Georgina Carr (Biomedical Sciences) – slides
Katie Wray (SAgE) – slides
Colin Ashurst (NUBS) – slides
Peter Hoare (Chemistry)
Student representation: what Course Reps and Student-Staff Committees have achieved, and practical ways to work in partnership with them.Coherent Curriculum theme: student engagement

Click here for information on University policies and support for student representation.

The NUSU website includes information for staff involved in Staff Student Committees. Click the “information for staff” link on the right hand side.

Liam Dale (NUSU Education Officer) and George Watkins (NUSU Representation and Democracy Coordinator) –slides
Peer mentoring: different perspectives on establishing, embedding, and researching peer mentoring schemes.ReCap recordings

Coherent Curriculum themes: student induction; student engagement

Colin Bryson (Combined Honours) – slides
Patrick Rosenkranz (Psychology) – slides
David Walker (Politics) – slides
Grace Barker (Combined Honours)


Friday 6th July 2012Click here to view the synopses for this day
Interactive assessment and feedback. This session highlighted examples of how students are supported to be active participants in the assessment of and feedback processes around their work, including both course work and exams.ReCap recording

Coherent Curriculum themes: assessment and feedback; student engagement

For more information on different theories of learning and teaching click here.

Jessica Jung and Darrin Beattie(Careers Service) – slides
Kate Reader (City University and the Making Assessment Count Consortium) –
Vicki Bruce (Psychology) – slides
Steve Herron (INTO NU)
Colin Murray (Law) – text
Debbie Bevitt (Biomedical Sciences) – slides
Keynote session: Updating our Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy.Newcastle University’s mission is ‘to deliver teaching and facilitate learning of the highest quality’ and our existing LTSE Strategy sets out our aspirations to enrich students’ experience of higher education. This keynote session gave an opportunity to reflect on our existing LTSE Strategy and discuss how best to update it as we move towards 2012/13.
Suzanne Cholerton, PVC for Learning and Teaching – slideskeynote plenary
Post-keynote networking, discussion, and information session.An informal opportunity took place to discuss learning and teaching issues, and to find out more about current learning and teaching projects at Newcastle University including:

  • EquATE (Equal Acclaim for Teaching Excellence) posters of past projects
  • Teaching and Learning Spaces Steering Group
  • ePortfolio for UG and PGT students
  • ReCap lecture capture
  • Blackboard
  • Reward and recognition of achievement in teaching – Steve McHanwell
  • MSED (Medical Sciences Education Development) – IT teaching and support offered by Rebecca McCready

We are really busy with our 3rd MOOC!

It’ll be open for signups very soon, but here’s a sneak peak at the crew working on the trailer…..


Kev has drawn some lovely illustrations of local landmarks which we are really looking forward to using in our next FutureLearn course.


Look out for more news early next week.

Previous ULTSEC Innovation Fund Winners 2011-12

2011 Awards: Linking research and teaching

The priority theme for the 2011 Innovation Fund was linking research and teaching. Relevant resources are:

  • a summary of the funded projects, with contact details for the project leads – congratulations to all the award winners
  • the ReCap recording of the launch event (December 2010). The running order for the event includes timings to help navigate the ReCap recording.  It also has contact names and titles for the 2010 Innovation Projects
  • advice on support for publishing pedagogical research, included as the CfLaT team’s presentation in the same ReCap recording.

Contact for queries:

Ageing Well: Falls live event tomorrow (Friday) at 10am GMT

There is a live discussion online as part of the Ageing Well: Falls course on FutureLearn.

The event is open to anyone – so please pass on the link to anyone you think will be interested. You can tune in live tomorrow (Friday 5 December) at 10am GMT on YouTube. Don’t worry if you miss it, you can watch the recording afterwards at the same link or, if you prefer, read the transcript.

In this live event:

  • Dr James Frith, Clinical Lecturer and falls researcher
  • Professor Julia Newton, Consultant Physician, Falls Specialist and falls researcher
  • Dr Chris Elliott, Advanced Occupational Therapist

will answer your questions from Week 2 of Ageing Well Falls.

An important day for recognising excellence in ageing research, and an honorary award for Angela Rippon

Lead Educator for Ageing Well: Falls, Professor Julia Newton has had a busy couple of days, and you can read why here:

JuliaToday saw two important announcements for Newcastle and our ageing research.

The Newcastle University Institute for Ageing was launched at the Great North Museum here in Newcastle by the wonderful TV presenter Angela Rippon OBE. Angela was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Civil Law for her work highlighting the importance of Alzheimers, dementia and ensuring the patient voice is heard. Angela delivered a fantastic speech at the graduation ceremony to the audience of over 130 Newcastle University graduands where she described her career and how her father would have been particularly proud of her award (being from County Durham down the road from Newcastle).
The second came in the Chancellors Autumn statement (p88 !) delivered in the House of Commons when a £20million investment in a National Institute for Ageing which will be based in Newcastle was announced.
Wonderful recognition of the important research that is being carried out in Newcastle and how working collaboratively can lead to important advances in our understanding of how we age and strategies to improve quality of life.
Julia Newton
Dean of Clinical Medicine & Professor of Ageing and Medicine Clinical Academic Office The Medical School Newcastle University

You can watch Angela receive her award (45 minutes and 8 seconds) and see her speech (45 minutes 50 seconds) in the congregation video at: See if you can spot Julia who was there in the second row behind where Angela was sitting.

Medication. Is four the magic number?

We know that medication which lowers the blood pressure can cause falls.  This would typically occur on standing up from sitting, with a sudden drop in blood pressure causing a fall.  We also know that medication which affects the brain, such as sleeping tablets or antidepressants can cause falls.  This seems logical as they may cloud the full function of the brain, nerves and blood pressure.

What seems less obvious is the result of a large research study which found that taking four or more medications was a risk factor for falling.  To understand this a bit more, I will explain the study itself.  Approximately 1280 older people were followed over the course of a year.  At the beginning of the study period, various observations were made, including details of the medications and other medical problems.  Different measurements were taken over the course of the year.  At the end of the study the researchers explored the data to see if they could find any way to predict who was more likely to fall.  They found that people who were taking four or more medication were more likely to fall.

This study is over 10 years old now and the types of medication we take now are very different.  The study is not able to tell us why it is the particular number 4.  But let’s not fixate on why it is 4 and not 3 or 5 or 10.  Let’s use this information to help people.  We can see who is more likely to have a fall and therefore who would benefit from a falls assessment.

Some people have questioned whether being on four medications is a sign of frailty and whether it is the underlying medical problems that are causing the falls.  This is a fine theory.  But other studies have proven that reviewing medication and stopping anything that is unnecessary can prevent falls, which implies (but does not prove) that it is the medication and not the underlying condition contributing to the falls.


As we have learnt in week one, even just agreeing on a definition of a fall has been challenging.  So you can imagine all the other difficulties we face in trying to perform research into falls.  For example, falls are under-reported, several risk factors contribute to falls and people often have a complex mix of underlying conditions and medications.  So where we do not have the proof from large, well-conducted studies, we must draw upon the evidence from smaller studies, clinical experience and expert opinion.

The issue is not about reducing a person’s medications to less than four, it is about using the information to recognise and help those at risk.

Tromp AM et al.  Fall-risk screening test: A prospective study on predictors for falls in community-dwelling elderly.  J Clin Epidemiol 2001; 54: 837-844 – abstract available

Leipzig, Cumming and Tinetti Drugs and falls in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis: II. Cardiac and analgesic drugs. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1999; 47(1):40-50.

Vari- and bi-focal lenses – a risk factor for falling?

Frank C. Müller [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
In vari-focals, the lower part of the glass contains the lens for reading and the upper part contains the lens for long distance.  In vari-focals the two lenses merge across the glass without the distinct line which we see in bi-focals.

The problem arises when we are up on our feet and need to look down to the ground, the best example is when going down the stairs.  As we look down, our vision looks through the lens for near vision/reading.  This distorts our depth perception and the judgement of where we place our feet, increasing our risk of falls.

As we have seen from the discussions, many people use vari-focals with no problems at all, but other people have difficulty adjusting to them.  We are not asking everyone to stop using their vari- or bi-focals if they like to use them.  What we hope for, is that people can be aware of the risk.  For people who are comfortable using their vari-focals, have an awareness that if falls do become troublesome in the future you could consider changing to single lenses.  The biggest risk is for people who use them outdoors.  For people who are considering using vari-focals, feel confident enough to ask your optician what all of your options are.

Vari- and bi-focal lenses are a well recognised risk for falls among experts. This is based on the results of well conducted clinical trials, small observational studies, clinical experience and expert opinion.  But it remains up to each and every individual to decide for themselves whether to use them, or use separate glasses for distance and near vision.

If you would like to read more about this and make up your own mind, you may find the following links interesting:

The college of optometrists report on falls  

The British Geriatrics Society: why it is important to assess vision for falls prevention

A paper from the British Medical Journal looking at falls:  BMJ 2010; 340 doi:  (Published 25 May 2010, accessed 3 December 2014)