NUTELA 4p’s – Peer Recognition Awards

The 2nd NUTELA Peer Recognition Awards took place on Friday. These awards are designed to recognise University staff who go above and beyond the call of duty to help their colleagues, schools and units to adopt forms of technology-enhanced learning (TEL).

Staff were asked to nominate someone who had helped them understand the purpose of a specific learning technology, or someone who has been instrumental in progressing TEL initiatives.

Congratulations to Jerry Hagon and Tracey Connell for winning the awards.

Both have both been integral to helping other staff to adopt innovative technologies in their teaching. The award was presented by Professor Philip Bradley, Chair of eLSI, and the winners will be invited to the Vice-Chancellor’s Celebrating Success event.

Full list of winners and nominees

Winner – Jerry Hagon –  (School of Chemistry)

Winner – Tracey Connell –  (FMS Graduate School)


    • Anthony Stafford
    • Graeme Tait
    • Ruth Valentine
    • Alex Inskip
    • John Moss
    • Nuala Davies*
    • Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell*
    • Marc Bennet*

* NUTELA Steering Group members are not eligible for prizes since they are involved in the judging process. However, some were nominated and they are recognised here.

4Ps: The Awards, 4th March

NUTELA 4PNUTELA is delighted to announce that we will be celebrating the winners and nominees of our inaugral Peer Recognition Awards, with a feast of pizza, plonk, pop and practice!

To be held at the University’s swanky new Marjorie Robinson Rooms on Sandyford Road, the event will take place on Friday 4th March at 3.30pm.

It will showcase best practice as well as rewarding the hard work of staff who go above and beyond to help colleagues to employ technology in their teaching.

Pro-Vice Chancellor for Learning and Teaching Suzanne Cholerton will present awards to our 2015 award winners, Graeme Patterson (CEGS) and Gigi Herbert (Careers).

The winners will talk about their award-winning practice and there will be posters to celebrate the work of runners-up.

Details of this year’s competition will also be available at the event.

We hope that you will join us!

To do so please fill out the online form.