Beyond the Villa: 5000 years of human activity at Lufton, Somerset



 The Archaeology Committee of the Somerset Archaeology and Natural History Society 




 Dr James Gerrard

Saturday 28th March 2015

10am – 4pm

Westland Conference & Leisure Complex, Yeovil


 The morning will feature a panel of speakers on recent archaeological discoveries in and around Yeovil, including: 

The Bunford Hollow excavation

The archaeology & history of the Westlands site

Archaeological recording at St John’s Church

After lunch our keynote speaker, Dr James Gerrard will talk about new archaeological discoveries in the Lufton Villa Landscape over the past five years.

 Admission: £12.00

 Tickets available on the door.

To book in advance visit the SANHS Online Shop at

email:  or  Tel: 01823 272429.

 Ploughmans lunch available for £5.50 with advance booking only.



Green Waste and Archaeological Geophysics

During our geophysical surveys around Lufton we discovered that the use of ‘green waste’ on arable fields was causing interference to our magnetometer surveys. This interference would appear to be due to iron contaminants present in the green waste.

Given the scale that green waste is being used on in the UK and Europe this phenomenon could have significant implications for shallow geophysical prospection.

Our research has recently been published in the journal Archaeological Prospection as: Gerrard, J., Caldwell, L. and Kennedy, A. 2015 ‘Green waste and archaeological geophysics’. Archaeological Prospection

Lufton 2015 – updates and the like

After much plotting and planning we’re pleased to announce that we will be digging again this Easter!

Even as we write Nigel, Liz and the gang in Somerset are working to re-survey our target excavation area.

The new team will be James G (Director); Andrew Agate (Co-Director); James H (Assistant Supervisor); Hayley and Chris (experienced excavators) along with Douglas; Elliott; Zara; Mara; Tilly; Josh and Holly-Ann. What a team!

In the meantime James G is on research leave and hopes that be before we return to Somerset the 2013 post-excavation assessment will be completed. Work is also progressing on the 2014 post-excavation assessment and just this morning Don O’Meara was finalising the report on the iron working slag. Apparently we have evidence from Barrow for medieval smithing (the working of iron, but not its production from iron ores).

In other news the paper James, Liz and Ali wrote on greenwaste and archaeological geophysics has been accepted for publication by the top geophysics journal Archaeological Prospection. Once it’s published we’ll add a link to the article.

Early stones

The earliest feature excavated during the Summer of 2014 was a ?ditch beneath a layer, which we nicknamed ‘crunchy red’ on site.

This little ditch produced a handful of fragments of rock. It was immediately apparent that these fragments of rock were igneous and thus were thus imported to the site (the local geology is sedimentary).

Dr Kevin Hayward has examined these rocks for us and believes that this light green medium grained igneous rock, with white feldspar laths may have come from a number of possible sources. He writes:

The first are the dyke intrusions at Cheddon-Fitzpaine, 20km to the NW near Taunton, described as a Lamprophyre and seen at Yarford villa as rubble . Further away in Devon (40km) there are Early Permian intrusions and Volcanics from the Exeter Volcanic Series. These were identified in rubble fragments from the nearby Late Iron Age to Roman excavations at Montacute. Saddle quern in a pinker granodiorite was also recorded from later 2011 excavations at Montacute where a Cornish source is suggested as was a basic spotted dolerite macehead from these excavations. All bear some similarity to the fragments from Barrow.

The stones are likely to be part of a prehistoric object. We need to look carefully at the pottery from the ‘crunchy red’ and other early deposits. Nevertheless the geological report has confirmed that we have a long stratigraphic sequence at Barrow, running from prehistory through to the  medieval period.


News on a Brick…

Dr Kevin Hayward, a specialist in geological materials and ceramic building materials at Pre-Construct Archaeology, is examining the stone and brick finds from the Barrow DMV excavations.

He’s recently completed a report on part of a stamped brick we found in the upper fill of the medieval ditch. The brick probably belonged to a small barn that used to stand in the field and was demolished in the 1970s when the earthworks were bulldozed.

The following is an extract of Kevin’s report on the brick:

The edge of quarter of a kiln brick with a curved incomplete stamp read

…WN   CLA…

Each letter measured 15mm high with a neat stamped suggesting machine impression, typical of late 19th to early-mid 20th century manufacturer.

Consultation of the web site for brick stamps  could not find a match. However it would seem likely that the second word CLA forms part of CLAY or CLAYWORKS

The Crown Clay Company operating in the same district of Bristol (St Georges – Crews hole) on the bank of the River Avon as the Bristol Clay Company (see below) between 1880 and 1887 is a possible candidate given the lettering …WN CLAY


Kiln or refractory bricks were used from the second quarter of the 19th century onwards in response for the demand for building materials that could resist the increasingly high temperatures required in the iron and steel making processes, gas retorts, as well as kiln and glass manufacturing industries to name but a few. They are also associated with boilers, locomotives, ovens and any process that involves high temperatures – even heated greenhouses.

Geological Origin

The clay, derived from high alumina and silica palaeosols from the Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures is not local to this part of Somerset dominated by geologically younger Lower Jurassic sands, clays calcareous limestones and limestones. However with the advent of the railways, kiln bricks were distributed throughout the UK from fireclay manufacturers in the West Midlands (Stourbridge); South Wales, South Yorkshire, Tyne and Wear and Glasgow.

The Somerset Coalfield, some 30km NNE, lies closest to Lufton. With the Bristol Coalfield (further west) also relatively close by. Fireclays from these deposits were worked and manufactured into kiln bricks e.g. The Bristol Fire Clay Company in operation from at least 1876 to 1911 and Crown Clay Works 1880 to 1887 and Crown Brick and Tile Company into the first decade of the twentieth century

November Update

It’s been a while since we posted. Partly this is a consequence of other commitments, in particular the start of the new academic year.

The project is progressing along at a nice pace. A pottery report on the 2013 season has been completed and Andy is busy working on the plans from the 2013 excavation too. All this effort means that pretty soon James will start having to write it up in earnest.

Post-excavation analysis of the 2014 work has been ongoing too. The stone objects have been sent to Dr Kevin Hayward for analysis and the lithics to Dr Rob Young. Reports from both specialists are eagerly awaited. James also wrote a short report on the excavations for the Medieval Settlement Research Group.

Meanwhile James popped down to Somerset recently and spoke at SSARGs Cadbury Day. It’s hoped that we might make some more formal connections with the Tintinhull Landscape Archaeology Project being mentored by Dr John Davey (Exeter).

Finally, Andy and James had a meeting recently about planing 2015’s expedition…

Hares and Hounds

Sue, who dug with us this season, has brought to our attention these nice medieval tiles from Blackfriars in Derby. They show a hare riding a hound just like our seal.


On a sadder note we’d like to note the passing of Doug, a long-standing SSARG member who excavated with us in 2012. Our condolences to his friends and family.

Farewell Yeovil, Farewell Elvis!

We’ve all safely dispersed back to our homes, families and loved ones. It was an exhausting drive in the wet conditions but we made it back to Newcastle, negotiated University security and dropped the kit and finds off.

Last night we were treated to Barry Paull’s impersonation of Elvis at the Quicksilver Mail in Yeovil. It was an excellent night, complete with dancing, raffle winning and the odd conversation about helicopters. The event was in aid of the south-east Somerset branch of the RSPCA and especially the welfare of neglected horses.

If you’ve enjoyed the blog and can spare a few pounds please consider making a donation to the RSPCA – they do incredible work.


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Thank You!

Another season of excavation draws to a close and it’s out great pleasure to record our thanks to the many individuals and institutions that make this project a success.

Many thanks to Maggie and Colin – our kind, tolerant and patient hosts – and their neighbours in Lufton who have welcomed our eccentric circus for the last three weeks.

Liz and Graham from Brympton Parish Council have been stalwart supporters for many years. We’re very grateful to them and to the Parish Council for their moral and financial support.

The South Somerset Archaeological Research Group have supported us with equipment and other kinds of assistance. We’re very grateful to them for all their help.

Mike Grinter and his digger, Brandon Hire and their portaloos also helped make this season a success. Asda provided rest and relaxation for many of the team, as did the Mason’s Arms in Odcombe.

The Western Gazette were also great – their help in publicising the excavation is much appreciated.

Finally, my own thanks go to Andew Agate, the rest of the team and everyone working behind the scenes in Newcastle. Without your input this season wouldn’t have happened.

Stay tuned for occasional updates on the post-excavation analysis!.