2010 Abstracts Stage 3

The Psychological Costs of Capitalism: an Exploration into How We Are Being Emotionally Snookered by the Demands of 21st Century Living

Joanne Cheney, 2010, Stage 3

In our society we are getting richer and richer and simultaneously less and less happy. Within my stage three project I want to explore how in modern life capitalism and the consumer culture has corrupted our values and as a result people are increasingly driven by an obsessive desire to define themselves by their earnings, possessions, appearance and celebrity. I want to show how this is responsible for the ever rising rates of depression and anxiety in England and America…

Heidegger’s analysis of boredom suggests that our lives lack personal meaning, and where there is a lack of personal meaning, capitalism creates all sorts of diversions and substitutes, mostly in the form of consumption. Through the work of Heidegger, I will reveal how our fundamental needs as beings are not being met. This endless pursuit of unfulfillable desires has created a profoundly impoverished emotional culture, subsequently we are no longer living authentic lives.

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