2021 Abstracts Stage 3

A Philosophical Investigation into Women’s Rights to Equal Status: To what extent can it be argued that a historic power imbalance still exists between the sexes, despite the efforts made to extinguish this gap?

Erica Cranko Mills, 2021, Stage 3

A Philosophical Investigation into Women’s Rights to Equal Status:
To what extent can it be argued that a historic power imbalance still exists between the sexes, despite the efforts made to extinguish this gap?
-Robert Browning’s poem, My Last Duchess-
An insight into the use of language relative to women’s power and the extent to which women remain powerless due to lexical choice, in the modern media.
Looking at the death of Sarah Everard as a modern example.
An in-depth analysis of the change in power attributed to women in the past 200 years.
Focusing on changes in legislation and societal attitudes towards women.
Could it be argued that women now have equal power to men or has the male desire for dominance simply diverged into other areas of society?
Concept 1:
-Plato’s Republic-
A discussion of the existence of power in Plato’s Polis, and how power exists in society. Moving on to consider Plato’s understand of the role of women in society and subsequently what this means for women in terms of power and equality.
Concept 2:
-Foucault’s Power / Knowledge-
Considering Foucault’s understand of power could it be that women should be equal to men in society? Using Foucault’s Repressive Hypothesis, and Sovereign Power, to formulate an understanding of Foucault’s understanding of power equality.

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