2022 Abstracts Stage 2

Has the British monarchy been deteriorated the working class and if so, why would the working class support it?

The British monarchy has been apart of the political intuition for centuries. Despite being one of the few monarchies left, there is still a great amount of love for the monarch. However, it is unusual that the working class of Britain would support this ideology in comparison to a complete democracy.

2021 Abstracts Stage 3

What can the Philosophy of Zizek tell us about desire and ideology in current culture?

What can the Philosophy of Zizek tell us about desire and ideology in current culture?
This essay shows key features of Zizek’s philosophy which show how desire influences ideology and how this can be illustrated through examining current culture.

I have used the examples of the musical Hamilton and The Extinction Rebellion protests.

Hamilton is a beautiful piece of culture to analyse using Zizek’s philosophy because it expresses powerful ideologies through music.

Extinction Rebellion is a wonderful organization that is trying to save the world. Zizek’s philosophy when applied to the reaction to XR is excellent in illustrating the powerful nature of ideology.

Ideology is a powerful and irrational force in the world, and nobody realises they are being duped by it, this is what my essay aims to argue.

Exploring Zizek’s philosophy through these pieces of current culture has given me a much greater understanding of the world around me.

Zizek is clearly an influential philosopher and his philosophy has interested me for a while now and it was a joy to learn about his work. His conception of ideology I believe is groundbreaking, I aimed to show this in my essay and I believe I have succeeded.