Concept: Memory
Philosophical Thinkers: Locke and Freud
1. To highlight the malleability of memory
2. Argue the dangers of using memory as evidence within law- e.i. eye witness testimonies without empirical proof.
3. Analyse true case studies that indicate the ruining of people’s lives due to memory and the manipulation of it.
Tag: memory
Central Questions: How and why do we want to capture our memories in media such as photographs, film and literature?
What can we learn from this need to preserve our experiences? In particular this will relate to Robert Antelme’s The Human Race.
How does our need to preserve memory relate to our struggle with the other? Exploration of the Territory and Central Concepts:
Look at current ways of memory capture such as web archiving, and see how these relate to a need to capture experience as comprehensively as possible.
Look closely at The Human Race and more generally at the ways in which we strive to preserve the memory of the holocaust. I also intend to separate individual and collective memory.
Look at Heidegger’s work on the other in Being and Time.
Look at Derrida’s notion of the other in relation to identity. I want to link identity to memory and see how we assert our individual and group identities through memory capture.