Digital transformation enhances access to learning

Digital transformation in learning brings increased engagement and real-world digital skills.

The digital transformation of learning is an important part of delivering both academic excellence and an enhanced student experience. This is why several schools within the university teamed up with NUIT to provide undergraduates with Microsoft Surface Go devices.

The mobile, two-in-one devices operate as a secondary device when working in high-performance computer labs, and as an essential mobile device during field and lab work. Most importantly, they are helping to ensure equity of opportunity and access to learning for all.  

“This has allowed us to change the way we deliver materials. Students gain the skills that employers are looking for in the workplace. They can engage more with their peers and it’s given them more independence in their learning.”

Dr Sara Marsham, Acting Dean of Education, SAgE Faculty, and Senior Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship) in Marine Biology in the School of Natural & Environmental Sciences (SNES)

Opting for Microsoft Surface devices has also helped NUIT manage device deployment more easily and to take on device management. Dr Mark Ferrar, Newcastle University CIO, explains, “It fits with our existing tech, it comes with a pen and a keyboard, and it links to Microsoft Endpoint Manager and it enhances IT’s ability to support the business need.”

Read the full story at:

Using IT Services on your Return to Campus

Allow time for PC updates 

If you use a university laptop, you should be all set, but if you have a desktop PC in the office, it will need to update when you turn it back on. This may take up to two hours and, in some cases, could take longer. Please bear this in mind when organising your work activities.

Bring back borrowed IT equipment 

If you took university IT equipment home (eg. PC, monitors, keyboard, mouse), you will need to bring it back, so consider when you’ll need to do this. We are working on the IT requirements for Blended Working but these will not be in place for the immediate return to campus.​

Find a PC  

Students can use the University app to find an available PC on campus. Check with your school office to see if local cluster spaces are open. In-person IT support will be available via our Service Bar in the Old Library by appointment only.  Please see our web page for the location, opening hours, and booking schedule

Keeping your devices and ​information safe

As we move between home and campus, we need to be even more vigilant and aware of our cyber-security. You can find advice and guidance to help​keep your devices and information safe at

Please take a few moments to review and share the Return to Campus IT Guidance and FAQs at 

If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk.  ​

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

In the ongoing battle against cyber crime, passwords are no longer enough.  As part of our ongoing efforts to keep your data as secure as possible from online threats, we are introducing a new security measure to all University IT accounts.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a simple way to enhance the security of your University login and keep your personal information safe. It requires an extra step when you sign in to some University IT services (like Office 365, Teams and Canvas). This may be an app notification or a code, similar to those used for online banking.

What you need to do  

Following the successful registration of all University colleagues and PGRs, we are now asking all UG and PGT students to register their University account for MFA. You only need to register once, it takes 5-10 minutes, and you can complete the steps any time before 14 June 2021.

After 14 June 2021, if you haven’t registered your account, you will need to complete the registration process to access some online services. So, it’s best to register well in advance to avoid any delay in accessing resources.

How to register   

How to get help  

You can learn more at or contact the IT Service Desk.

Zoom Demo Sessions for 2021

Whether you are looking to use Zoom for the first time, need a refresher on a specific topic or just want to see what’s new, we are running another batch of our popular Zoom tutorials through to the end of February 2021.

Our new sessions are topic-driven, so it’s worth attending even if you have been to one last year. 

We run 3 x 30-45 minute sessions, covering the basics like signing in and screen sharing scheduling through to breakout rooms, annotations, whiteboards and polls.

If you use Zoom regularly or will be supporting Zoom users across the next academic year then we would highly recommend coming along –

We hope to see some of you there!

We also have an active Zoom community running (with over 600 members) if you are interested in joining?

IT Services toolkit to support working from home or off-campus

The toolkit highlights the options available for off-site access to University IT services and software. It provides guidance on which services to use, depending on the task, along with advice on the equipment or software you may need. 

Find out more about remote working: 

  • Accessing your email, calendar and files
  • Collaboration tools to help teams and study groups stay connected
  • Accessing University software and applications 
  • Secure working away from the University 

Go to the Remote and Home Working Toolkit

If you’d like advice on which service is best suited for your needs, please contact the IT Service Desk.

IT Services over the holidays

Normal IT support services will close at 1700 on Friday 18 December and re-open at 0800 on Monday 4 January.

As usual the Out of Hours Helpline service will provide 24/7 telephone support throughout, including Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Support is available via our usual telephone number 0191 208 5999.

For more information on IT services over Christmas, see

Team privacy check-ups, new features and guides

Public or Private? Who can access your Team?

Calling all Team Owners! Take a moment to check your Teams privacy settings.

By default all Teams created are Private and only members can see the content and conversations. If a Team Owner sets a team to Public it will be discoverable by anyone in the University- staff or student. They can view all files and documents in the Public team and join the Team without requesting permission.

For the majority of scenarios we recommend you keep your teams Private. Please review our Teams privacy check-up for more details

Creating meetings in Canvas using Teams

The Flexible Learning website has some great guides for arranging online meetings in Canvas, taking you step by step through the process to set up Teams or Zoom meetings in our new VLE.

Prevent attendees from unmuting during Teams meetings

When you organise a meeting in Teams, you’ll see a new setting on the options page titled “Allow attendees to unmute.” This can be toggled before the meeting starts to ensure attendees cannot unmute themselves during the meeting. By default “Allow attendees to unmute” is on, i.e. attendees can unmute themselves freely during the meeting.

Take control of noisy notifications

As we are added to more and more Teams the noise level can increase. Fortunately, the new notifications options should make it easier for you to quieten the app down. Go to Settings>Notifications to set your preferences.

Are you ready for Canvas? We’re moving to the new University VLE on the 31 July 2020.

We are getting closer to the 31 July 2020 when all access to Blackboard ends for colleagues and students and we go fully live with Canvas. 

​​What can I do to prepare for the transition to Canvas? 

There are 5 key steps that you can follow to be ready for the move to Canvas and get the most out of this new platform: 

What training and support is available? 

All students and colleagues have access to Canvas and you can log in at  

Log in using your normal username and password. 


When you log in you will have access to a Getting to Know Canvas course. This will take you through the key areas of Canvas and includes screencasts of the Canvas interface and how to submit an assignment. 


Once you log in you will see an online Canvas Orientation course. This is a comprehensive online training resource developed for all Newcastle University colleagues and can be accessed 24/7 from your Canvas dashboard. You also have your own personal Canvas practice course. 

Colleagues are also encouraged to sign up for Canvas webinars and can book a place using the links below: 

Help Guides and 24 hour support 

​​Take a look at a range of help guides and videos on the Canvas website and don’t forget Canvas 24/7 support is available to all colleagues and students for any of your ‘How do I’ Canvas questions direct from the Canvas Help Menu or via telephone on + 44 808 189 2336.​ 

Where can I find out more? 

The Canvas website includes lots of useful information for both colleagues and students. You can find FAQs, watch an Introduction Video and find out more about the benefits of our exciting new VLE. 

Passcode or Waiting Rooms Required for Zoom Meetings from 27 September 2020

From 27 September, Zoom will require that all meetings have a Passcode or a Waiting Room enabled. The update is designed to improve the security of your meetings.

What if I don’t have a Waiting Room or Passcode enabled by 27 September?
If neither is enabled, Zoom will automatically enable a Waiting Room for your meetings. If you already have a Passcode or Waiting Room enabled, nothing will change.

How do I enable Waiting Rooms or Passcodes?
You can log into your Zoom portal and go into settings to enable a Passcode or Waiting Room. 

Remember: If you decide to add Passcodes to an existing meeting, calendar invites will need to be resent to include the Passcode.

Find out more about the change and how it may affect you on our Zoom web pages or take a look at the article from ZOOM Support.

You can also find tips and advice to help keep your meetings and webinars secure on our Zoom advice pages.

20 updates for Microsoft Teams for Education

As learning continues to move online, Microsoft introduces a collection of new (and upcoming) features in Teams. Highlights include an expanded 7×7 gallery view, breakout rooms for small group collaboration and more analytics arriving in time for the next academic year.

Several new features will be of importance to educators and students:

  • Use a custom background for your video
  • 7×7 gallery view for group meetings
  • New Breakout Rooms to allow for smaller group discussion
  • Meeting attendees increased from 250 to 300
  • Meeting Lobby to prevent unwanted guests

The full list of features, with expected release dates, are detailed in the blog: 20 updates for Microsoft Teams for Education, including 7×7 video and Breakout Rooms

Teams 7x7 meeting view